Page 47 of Inevitable

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"All I can say is Jay loves women way too much to be tied to just one ..." I looked his way as if a little disappointed. I knew better than to promote the movie. I knew to promote the man because that's what ladies really wanted.

He smiled and finished what I'd started. "But if I were to be tied to one, isn't she just perfect?" The one-liner would charm every woman in America. I could have high fived him right there.

With that, the paparazzi erupted again and the fans did too. We posed for a few more pictures and finally entered the building that promoted Nights Without You. The blockbuster would put him on most eligible bachelor list in People magazine and land him three more romantic movie lead deals.

He pulled me with him toward his costar in the film, “You have to meet Mila. You’ll love her.”

“I don’t really want to meet anyone, Jay,” I grumbled under my breath.

“And yet, you’ll be meeting everyone I work with tonight.” His smile as he said it was blinding.

As if to emphasize his point, a couple stepped into our path and introduced themselves.

I half-listened but no one noticed. Part of growing up as the daughter of Whitfield Candy’s owner meant I needed to know how to keep up appearances and attend events. Manners and small talk were taught at a young age. I’d been quick enough to learn the unspoken lessons too. How to look like you were listening, how to do a quick brush off politely, how to offend without outwardly offending.

I practiced all the lessons as I searched for the only people I wanted to talk to—Katie, Vick, and Rome. They’d been swallowed up by white pillars dancing in different colored lighting, tables set up everywhere with beautiful flower arrangements, and celebrities who mingled among them all.

That’s when I saw Jax sauntering toward us. My insides twisted up like they needed him to unwind them. His eyes twinkled in the dim lighting and mesmerized me. When he glanced at Jay, I saw a smile I remembered from a long time ago, a smile from the boy I once knew, the one who saved me, the one who sat with me at a lake and sang sweet songs to me. I remembered a boy who loved me and promised to never leave me.

He didn’t love me though. He left.

I considered running to the bathroom but after already making eye contact, I would look like I was avoiding him.

When he reached my side, he leaned toward my ear and whispered, “You having a nice night?”

I leaned away immediately and answered him with a canned response. “Of course. It’s a great night.”

He smiled down at me and his voice rumbled out for only me to hear, “You’re lying.”

I hated and loved the way he sounded. That rasp and I had had an ambivalent relationship from the day I realized Jax and I could be more than just friends.

He’d whispered something to a girl in high school and she’d shiver just like I did when I heard it. I’d spun into a jealous silent rage then, realizing every girl in our school was affected in the same way I was. We all wanted him, and he’d shared a piece of himself with everyone but me.

That was until our last summer. Those three glorious months after his senior year, he’d spent only with me. I didn’t get just a piece of him, I thought I’d gotten all of him. We jogged down to our lake, away from the world, away from inquiring eyes. He brought his guitar and played just for me. I lost myself in that rasp, in his songs, and in my love for him.

I lost myself altogether when he left.

He looked over at a table and then at Jay who was still talking with the couple. “Mind if I steal your date for a minute?”

Jay couldn’t say no. It would have been completely rude. So, before he could even worry about it, I grabbed Jax’s arm and he led me to a table.

“Sit with me for a while?” he asked.

“You know, I am actually getting ready to leave ...”

He pulled the chair out for me and I sat down, not wanting to cause a scene.

He sat next to me and asked, “How have you been?”

The question startled me. How could he, after all this time, be that casual?

“Seriously? Do you honestly care about anyone but yourself?”

He flinched at my words. Well, I suppose that came out ruder than I anticipated.

“You’re holding onto something from years ago, Sweet Sin. It’s no way to live.”

“Don’t call me that,” I whispered as the pain deep in my chest started again.

Tags: Shain Rose Romance