Page 82 of Secret Daddy

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“I’m telling you, fratello, we’re good.”

The low murmur of a man’s voice reaches my ear. At first, I don’t pay it any mind. It could just be a conversation in passing, and it’d be rude to eavesdrop.

“No, he doesn’t suspect a thing.”

Nowthatgets my attention.

I crane my neck a little, checking over my shoulder to see if I can identify the speaker. There’s no one in sight. I know Johnny told me not to go off on my own, but the little voice in the back of my head is what commands my feet to move forward. As silently as I’m able, I wander down the hall, peeking carefully around the corner.

And there I see Milo.

He looks this way and that, keeping an eye out. Everything about him reminds me of a weasel, from his shifty stance to his little nose and missing tooth.

“It’s all going according to plan,” he says to someone on the other end of the phone. “No, he didn’t believe the pictures I showed him… I don’t know. I thought it was a pretty convincing fucking cadaver, but he apparently knows what you look like aliveanddead.”

My ears burn. I don’t have enough context to figure out what he’s talking about, but I know it’s important.

Milo sighs, running his fingers through his gel-covered hair. “How are things on your end? Any idea what security is going to be like the day of the event? Hm, good. That definitely makes things a bit easier for us.” And then, after a brief pause. “Our tracks are totally covered. You have nothing to worry about, El—”

The sound of a door swinging open forcefully cuts him off. Somewhere down the hall come thunderous footsteps, growing louder and louder as they approach.

Dominic rounds the corner, startling Milo out of his private conversation. He hangs up quickly, stuffing his phone into his back pocket.

“What’s wrong, boss?” he says with an easy chuckle. “What’s got you in such a bad mood?”

As swift as a bird of prey, Dominic rounds the corner and nearly bumps into me. He looks at me down the length of his nose, his expression hard and impossible to decipher. “What are you doing here, Arin?”

Milo appears at Dominic’s side, watching me suspiciously. “How long were you standing there?”

I swallow at the sticky lump in the back of my throat. I can’t imagine what his reaction will be when he realizes I’ve heard the better part of his phone call. Granted, I don’t know what he’s talking about, nor to whom, but I don’t think eavesdropping on a member of the Mob is going to go over very well.

“Not long,” I lie as calmly as possible. I’m pretty damn convincing if I do say so myself. “I was looking for the bathroom.”

Dominic takes my hand, pulling me along with him toward what I assume is his office. “You still haven’t answered my question.” He walks rigidly, a pace or two behind myself like he’s using his body as a wall to shield me from Milo’s view.

“I wanted to see you,” I say easily.

Dominic swiftly whisks me to his office and closes the door firmly behind him. He doesnotlook pleased.

“I finished with the show’s preparations early,” I tell him. “I know you must be busy—”

“Very busy.”

“But I haven’t seen you in days.”

“So you decided to drop by unannounced?” His question feels accusatory, his tone laced with an edge of something uncomfortable.

I frown. His demeanor is rubbing me the wrong way. “Is it really that big of a deal?”

“You asked me to keep my personal and work life separate.”

“Yes, but that’s working out a little too well.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Itmeans,” I grumble, crossing my arms, “I never see you anymore. I asked you to keep those men out of our apartment. I didn’t think that would include you.”

“Things have been hectic around here, dolcezza.”

Tags: K.C. Crowne Romance