Page 180 of Provoke

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“Only good things. How is France? Are you enjoying your travels now that you’re feeling better?”

Charlie retired at the end of the year, placing a trusted executive as acting CEO for the London branch until my Charles figures out how he wants to proceed moving forward.

For now, he’s promoted Shelby to the UK office.

The divorce from Tabitha went through uncontested, mostly due to her criminal charges, which in turn activated parts of the prenup agreement.

Charlie is now able to live his life again without the stress that woman caused to the whole family. He always wanted to travel, and Italy was his first stop, on a suggestion from Charles. That’s where he met Gwen.

“France is delightful. But it’s always good to be here, especially when celebrations are to be had.”

“We’re so glad you could make it. Enjoy,” I say, leaning in to kiss Charles’s cheek. “I’m going to check in with Ash.”

He nods.

On my walk to find him, I see Shelby standing by the auction tables and wave to her. Shelby smiles a deep genuine smile and I’m so happy despite her work schedule abroad she was able to still come to the event that she helped plan.

Turning in the opposite direction, I see that Lily and Asher are in the corner laughing about something, sipping on champagne.

Asher has been dating Lily for the past four months, and I have a funny feeling that after seeing the engagement, they might follow our lead soon.

I might’ve thought it fast at one time, but love has no timeline.

It’s strange to think about how much has changed in six months.

I leave them be, wanting to give them some alone time.

Charles comes up behind me.

“Is everyone really staying for an entire week with us?” I ask.

Charles smiles. “They are. Is that okay?”

“Sure, I mean... we have our own wing. It’s not like they can hear us, right?”

“Raven,” he growls into my ear. “Are you worried about being deprived of sex?”

“I mean... obviously. We can’t be here in this house celebrating our engagement and not be together-together. It wouldn’t be fair.”

He smirks. “I’m sure we can find somewhere to sneak off to. A cloakroom, perhaps?”

I smack his chest, grinning like a loon.

“Wouldn’t that be something,” I say, reminiscing about that first night.

“I can’t believe you’re going to be my wife,” he says.

I look at my ring. “I’m so happy you will be my husband. Does this mean I finally get to move in with you?” I ask. The two of us have been talking about it for the past month, but we haven’t yet come to any decision.

“I have a team back in New York, packing up your flat as we speak.”

“What? You’re serious?”

“I won’t sleep another night without you by my side, Raven.”

“You and your poetry.”

“Only for you.”

I sigh, melting into the man I’ll get to call my husband. If you would’ve told me this is where we’d be one day, I might’ve called you nuts.

Fate has a way of working miracles, and Charles is mine.

From this day forward, I’m going to prove to him that he’s more than what he earns. He’s a man who loves fiercely and deserves that love in return.




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