Page 116 of Breaking Perfect

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His hand drifted over her baked flesh. Although he was gentle his touch cut right to her core. She moaned and he again reached between her legs. She was sopping wet. The barely there touch of his fingers so necessary she practically had an orgasm then and there, her hollow entrance spasming and weeping for him.

“Sean,” she moaned his name, begging him to finish this thing he started.

“Fuck, Liberty, I should walk away now.”

“Please don’t leave me like this.”

“Did I hurt you?” She recognized the guilt in his voice.

“No, but I need you to finish this. Please!”

His body began to tremble. “Libby, I can’t, I’m not in a good place right now to touch you that way. I can’t be gentle.”

“Forget gentle. Please, Sean, I need you.”

If he abandoned her now she would die. He brought her to this place. He created this need inside of her. She was like a bitch in heat wanting nothing more than for him to fuck her like an animal. This couldn’t be over. A needy sob bubbled out of her, “Please don’t abandon me. I trust you. Help me.”

As if she said some sort of magic word he snapped. Her hips were suddenly hoisted into the air and his cock plunged between her wet folds, slamming in to her. He shouted and she immediately began to come around his hard cock. Her sex clamped down on him like a vise, so tight she felt her body squeezing him out, but Sean would have none of that. He held onto her, forced himself back in, burying himself to the root.

“Fuck, Liberty!” She gave herself over to his care. Sean’s body slammed into hers again and again. It went on for days, weeks, years. She lost all sense of time and being. One orgasm whirled into another forming a tornado of pleasure. He held her tight and lost himself in her body. She felt his control break and had never before felt closer to him. This was Sean. She realized then and there just how much he had been hiding himself.

When he came it was like a tsunami flooded her gates. Her mind could take no more. The most brilliant spectrum of color spread behind the lids of her eyes and a sense of absolute peace blanketed her. For the first time in her entire life she was completely free. It was as if she were taking her first breath. She embraced the tranquility and let the world fall away.

“Get off my wife.”

* * * *

The snarled words startled Sean and he jerked his attention toward the door. Mason stood, still dressed from work. He’d obviously gotten his message. Sean looked down. His softening cock eased out of Liberty who was nothing more than a marked up puddle of sweat and wild curls. Her shoulders moved softly. She had fallen asleep, fallen into subspace. Never in his life had he experienced anything so intense. She had come more times than he could count. She was magnificent. Incredibly strong—

“I said get off of her!”

Sean jumped and stared at Mase, temporarily struck dumb. “Mason, look, it looks bad, but you don’t—”

“If you don’t climb off of her this instant, so help me God I will kill you.”

A cold stone of dread settled in Sean’s gut as ice seemed to form over his heart. He’d never seen Mason so angry, as if he held his control by a thread. He knew it looked bad, but… “If you’d just let me explain.”

Mason marched into the room as if he planned on steamrolling Sean. He quickly leaned back and stumbled off the bed. Mason’s disgust was a living thing. It choked Sean and he was terrified suddenly that nothing he said, no amount of explaining would make this right. Old fears of rejection and not meeting certain standards prickled his mind.

Mason staggered to a stop, his eyes locking in on Liberty’s flesh. Her face was completely hidden by tangles of curls. Her arms still rested where they’d been tied above her head. Her thighs were sprawled. Wide, red palm prints marred the porcelain skin of her backside and thighs. Sean winced as he noticed his cum seeping out of her sex, mingled with her own juices. Mason’s fingers shook as he reached out to touch one pink handprint on her skin. Sean wasn’t sure if he even made contact. The punch that slammed into his face came out of nowhere.

He stumbled into the wall and knocked over a small table as he went down. Pain exploded behind his eyes and his skull seemed to rattle. The clatter of all those dainty little boxes Liberty lovingly placed all over the house, boxes too small to put anything in, caused a racket in the otherwise silent room. Sean quickly caught an especially delicate little box before it hit the ground and shattered.

Tags: Lydia Michaels Erotic