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She’d also spent days in my palace to educate me on Sihde, the dark Fae and their queen. When she missed something, the other Fae—now my informal court—chimed in, eager to shove all the knowledge down my throat.

Rosalinda wore full black armor, her blonde ponytail waving in the wind. Zembyr wore gray armor with golden stripes.

Zembyr shared Rosalinda’s blonde hair, his dark brows furrowed in a frown that never seemed to leave his face. His hazel eyes looked so steely that I doubted he ever smiled.

He had once been my mother’s elite guard. When Rosalinda had first brought the giant warrior before me, he’d knelt, grabbed me, and buried his face on my feet in hot tears. It had been a wonder that my mates hadn’t dragged him away from me. They didn’t like anyone to touch me, even in pure worship.

Zembyr had carried centuries of guilt and shame for not being able to defend my mother. But my mother—the crown princess of the dark Fae—had fled without her maids and guards when she was pregnant with me. He hadn’t reached my mother in time. If he had, he’d have been slaughtered.

I’d told Zembyr that it wasn’t his fault, yet he deeply and desperately wanted redemption, and he found it in me.

Adrian led the Danaenyth dynasty’s fine soldiers behind us, and the Oslanian force brought up the rear.

We reached the valley between the Fae realm and the Dragon Realm. The army could no longer push forward because of the sealed veil between the two realms. Only Fae could enter. I was half Fae and the true heir to the throne of Sihde, so I could get in any time I wanted. My mates were bonded to me, so they should have no problem following me into the Fae realm.

That would soon be tested.

Henry trotted ahead and Sybil flew above him. I wondered if they would be able to pass the veil. It would be handy if they could since Sybil was an excellent spy and messenger. And I liked keeping my hellhound close if I needed to track anyone.

The army camped in the center of the valley.

Human technology had no use from this point on, because Sihde would cancel out all technology, unlike my Dragon Realm. Dragons were more tolerant when it came to other species and machinery. We weren’t purists and elitists, and I would make sure to keep it that way in my reign.

A black dragon caught up with us and shifted.

Adrian strode toward us, clad in his armor. He gave me a concerned look and pressed his fist on his heart. I nodded. We didn’t need to exchange more words. He looked at my consorts and bowed his head, then turned to the rest of the Fae warriors.

“Protect my queen,” he said.

“Our queen,” Rosalinda said, her green eyes flashing. “I’ll defend our queen with my very essence.”

“I’ll shed the last drop of my blood for my queen,” Zembyr thundered.

The rest of the Fae warriors pressed their hands tightly on the hilt of their swords, their eyes flashing fiercely. They were loyal beyond all doubt.

Rai nodded to Adrian. “We have it all covered.”

Adrian’s gaze lingered on Rosalinda for a second longer. “You be careful, too.” He shifted back to his dragon form and flew back toward his rank, his black scales sparkling in the faint sunlight.

Our small group prowled on. Everyone was tense, their hands on their weapons. We could be meeting a large enemy army on the other side. I was both nervous and thrilled at the anticipation of battle and bloodshed, my fingers flexing, ready to throw my White Light at any second, and praying it would come at my summoning.

Zembyr raised a hand, and every one halted.

“Here it is,” Rosalinda said, turning to me as she took a deep breath.

Blaze frowned. “I don’t see any difference. We’re still at the top of the valley, and I don’t see the barrier you mentioned.”

I let my magic roll off me, and it hit the invisible ward.

A shimmer of endless wall appeared in front of us.

My mates blinked.

Zembyr and the other warriors gasped.

“The royal glamour is with our queen!” Rosalinda said. “With it, she’ll see through the imposter’s tricks.”

“Get hold of yourself, Rosa,” Zembyr said. “We do not broadcast what our queen can do.”

Tags: Meg Xuemei X The Cursed Dragon Queen and Her Mates Fantasy