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"That's why I picked you."

We pass through the metal gate that means we're not far from the castle now. The gate is normally open, and only closed if we want to make sure no interlopers get inside the compound. The last time that happened was when Magnus, Piper, and I came back from Istanbul and Royce Hammond was waiting for us with his team of commandos, who turned out to be far less loyal than Hammond had assumed.

Ashley won't get a good look at Dùndubhan tonight, since civil twilight will end soon. But I will show her around tomorrow in the daytime. I'm sure a woman who grew up traveling to archaeological sites with her father will enjoy the history of this castle.

I park in the courtyard, near the main door. I don't see any other vehicles or lights on inside, which means we have the place to ourselves. Perfect. The demonstration I mean to give Ashley will be just between us. I open her door for her, and offer my hand to help her out of the car. Her lips curl up a touch, forming dimples in her cheeks. I can't decide if that means she appreciates my gentlemanly behavior or if she thinks I'm a moron for assuming she can't get out of a car on her own. Though I experience a strong impulse to hold her hand as we walk through the walled garden, I resist it. I don't know her well enough, do I? Not sure about dating etiquette with American lasses.

I halt us beside the concrete bench that sits near the arbor. Roses climb the trellised arbor, though it's harder to see them right now than it would be in the daytime. I point toward the bench. "Have a seat. I need to gather some, ah, supplies for my demonstration."

"What kind of demonstration is this?"

"You'll see. Just wait here."

I hurry out of the garden and turn left, aiming for the old carriage house that now serves as a garage—and a temporary home for some of my special tools. I grab a large canvas carryall and stuff the items into it. That should be plenty. I don't mean to create a huge spectacle. Only a wee one. Thus armed, I trot out another door in the castle wall, one most people don't know about, and jog out onto the green to prepare my demonstration. Once I've finished, I march back to the garden and wink at Ashley as I stop in front of her.

"I'm ready," I tell her. "Let's head out onto the green."

She follows me without questioning why I want her to do this. When we reach the wooden door on the far side of the garden, Ashley tries to open it herself. She tugs and tugs but can't make the ruddy thing budge.

"Need a hand?" I ask. "Or would ye rather keep fighting with that door?"

She makes a few more attempts, which only result in a lock of hair falling out of the stretchy thing she used to hold it back in a ponytail. She blows a breath out of the corner of her mouth. The loose lock flutters. "Okay, you can help."

I grasp the knob and give it one good yank. The door pops open. I swing it wide for her and make a sweeping gesture with my arm. "Lasses first."

"Did you make sure that door wouldn't open for me?"

"Why would I do that? I'm all for women's liberation."

She smiles and shakes her head, then we walk out onto the green. Aye, in a matter of moments, I'll know just how determined and strong Ashley Hartman is.

If she doesn't scream and run away.

Chapter Six


Errol stops us just outside the garden door, and I can't deny I'm very curious about what he has planned. He thinks I need to "experience" more of his personality or something, but that seems like a waste of time. I know he's odd and wickedly smart. I also know he has big muscles, and he's an amazing kisser. What else do I need to experience? Something that requires a long drive to a big castle, apparently.

"I don't see anything," I say. "Where's your big surprise? There's nothing out here but grass."

"Patience, lass." He pulls an eye mask out of his pocket, the kind people wear for sleeping, and offers it to me. "Put this on."


"Because I told you to do it. If you're wanting to go on an adventure with me, you'll need to follow my orders. Best practice your patience right now."

"What are you up to?"

"Either trust me or don't. If ye cannae do that, I'll take you back to Loch Fairbairn, and then you should go home to America." He waggles the mask in front of my face. "Your choice."

I have no choice because I need him. I can't run an expedition all by myself. Do I trust Errol? I have a feeling we're both about to learn the answer to that question. So I strap the mask around my head. It's thick and form-fitting, which ensures that I can't see any light at all. "I'm ready."

"Good girl." He pats my rump. "Now just stand here and wait."

I shove my hands into my pants pockets…and wait.

Shuffling sounds originate from my right, but I can't quite figure out what that noise means. Then I hear a zipper being pulled down—or maybe up. He can't be undressing. No, he must be opening a duffel bag or something, though I hadn't seen him carrying anything. I want to ask him what he's doing, want to ask so badly, but I promised to just stand here and wait.Damn.

Tags: Anna Durand The Ballachulish Trilogy Erotic