Page 33 of Echo Power

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He fists his hands, then loosens them. "Yes."

I walk straight to him. "Maybe I should tie you up to make sure you can't ditch me."

"That won't be necessary." He shuffles a little closer. "Before I answer your questions, tell me one thing. Why don't you have real mates? You told me it was none of my business the last time I asked. I'd like to know the answer now."

Oh, what the hell. "I was in the plane crash with my parents. They died, but I survived—with serious injuries. Took me months to recover, physically. Not sure I ever fully recovered from the mental damage. Survivor's guilt or whatever. I guess I avoided getting too close to anyone after that because I was afraid another disaster might ruin my life. I've dated, but I steered clear of serious relationships. Guys can be such dicks, anyway. God, I can't believe I just told you all of that."

Because I've never told anyone. Why am I confiding in Dax? Maybe I sense a similar pain in him, or maybe I'm suffering from apocalypse shock.

"I'm sorry, Allison. You've been through hell, even before the Echo."

"Um, thanks. I guess." When he starts to ask another question, I wag a finger at him. "Uh-uh-uh. I answered one of your questions. It's your turn to cough up some info."

"All right." He winces, though only for a second, and rubs his forehead. "What do you want to know?"

"Everything. But we can start with an easy question." I inch closer, and despite my determination not to notice that he's still naked, I can't stop myself from glancing down at his dick. "Um, don't you want to get dressed?"

"Suddenly, it bothers you that I'm naked." He cups my chin with his hand, brushing one finger over the sensitive underside. "You didn't mind a few minutes ago."

"Stop trying to distract me. It won't work."

But yeah, it kind of is working. What we just did, on that floor, makes it impossible for me to ignore the luscious warmth that sweeps through me simply from the touch of his hand. If I live to be ninety, I'll still remember every second of how it felt to have him buried inside me. I wish he'd let me face him while we had sex, but I'm not that surprised he preferred to avoid looking me in the eye.

"Get dressed," I say. "Please."

He gathers his clothes and reassembles them. If I'd thought Dax clothed would eradicate my desire for him, I was a damn idiot. Of course it doesn't. He's still…visible. That's all it takes.

I clear my throat and focus on his face instead of his groin. "What's your name? Your full name, I mean, not just the three-letter version. Who are you?"

He scrubs a hand over his mouth and bows his head briefly. Then he looks straight into my eyes. "I am Daxton Stainthorpe. Sefton is my twin brother."

Chapter Thirteen


I've told her who I am. Why did I do that? She demanded I explain myself, and I gave in. Perhaps I can blame sex for relaxing me so much that I lost control of my mind and my mouth. But no, that's not the reason. Allison told me about her family, that she's alone in this world much like I'd been alone in the Echo, and I felt…connected to her.

Which is rubbish.

She stares at me without blinking. "You're not identical twins, obviously."

"Weareidentical twins. Or we used to be."

"I don't understand. How can you not be identical anymore?"

She wants to understand. And after what we did moments ago, I feel a strange need to explain. I've treated her like my enemy. She shouldn't have stayed with me, and she should not have let me claim her body, yet she has done both. The least I can do is answer her questions.

"Sefton and I were born identical twins," I say. "But the magics he used to create the Echo and anchor me to it had…consequences. I was changed. I no longer resemble my brother or sound like him."

"You aren't from the Echo."

"No. I was born in England."

"I was born in Wisconsin, but I've lived in several places around the country. Guess that doesn't really compare to being thrown into a different world."

Are we having a civil conversation? Not sure. Either I'm hallucinating or we are chatting to each other like normal people.

"Did you volunteer to be the anchor for Sefton's magic?" she asks. "Or did he force it on you?"

Tags: Anna Durand Fantasy