Page 48 of One Hot Roomie

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That's right. She now loves to get my cock in her mouth, and I love the way she does it. I'm a man, of course I love a blow job---especially from a stunning, passionate woman whom I just happen to worship.

I rub my thumb over her lips and kiss her forehead. "I love you, Arden. You really are the right woman for me."

"And you're the right man for me." She sits back on her heels and skims her hands along my thighs. "I love you too, baby."

"Will you marry me?"

Bollocks. I'd planned this whole speech, even practiced it in front of a mirror, but the words burst out of my mouth like my tongue has a mind of its own.

Her eyes bulge.

"Sorry," I say, covering my face with my hands. "That's the worst proposal ever, isn't it? I swear I had a romantic version ready to go, but---Gah, it flew out of my head."

Her soft, gentle hands peel mine away from my face. She smiles with such sweetness and tenderness that I get a strangely pleasant ache in my chest, the sort only she can give me. "I don't care how you propose, Reese. It's what you have in your heart that matters. And yes, I absolutely, positively want to marry you."


"Yes, really," she tells me with a laugh while she takes my face in her hands. "You're so cute when you're flustered. It makes me want to get it on with you."

"That would be my choice for how to celebrate our engagement."

She scuttles backward on her knees and flaps her fingers, telling me to move back.

I scramble backward up the bed until I bump into the pillows.

Arden hops up and takes a running leap at the bed. She lands straddling my calves, then crawls up my body until her face hovers above mine. "Ready to get hot and sweaty?"

"For you, always."

We decide to announce our engagement over dinner and even get Arden's parents and grandparents, along with Elena's brother, to join in via video call on three phones. Elena and Arden both shriek and jump up and down. Chance and I exchange amused looks, like we can't believe our women are so barmy. Who are we kidding? We love their enthusiasm.

Dane watches it all with one brow raised, acting like he thinks we're all barking mad.

I walk over to his chair and whisper in his ear, "Watch out, Dane, you'll be next."

He snorts. "Like hell I will."

"Famous last words, mate. Famous last words."

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