Page 22 of One Hot Chance

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"Believe me, I'd much rather sneak into dark corners with you." She straightens and smooths her skirt and blouse. "The law library is musty, and the pop in the vending machine is warm. You smell and taste so much better."

With that, she leaves me.

I sit on the floor for five minutes before I get back to work. My mind taunts me with visions of Elena naked, spread out on my bed, writhing and moaning and calling my cock the most beautiful in the world. She is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen or ever will see. She's more than that, though. She's clever, playful, passionate, determined...and all mine tonight.

The second I get to my hotel room, I'm turning off my damn mobile and telling the desk clerk to hold all calls. No one is going to interrupt us. Nothing will get in the way of my plans for Elena. I will worship her body all night.

Chapter Eight


The elevator rises toward the nineteenth floor, taking me to my secret assignation with the boss's ex-husband. Yep, this is the same elevator in which Chance ravished me a week ago. Why do I keep thinking of him as my boss's ex? He's my... What? Lover sounds kind of sleazy, for some reason. We have to sneak around so Raisa won't find out. Maybe sleazy is the word for it.

Being with Chance doesn't feel sordid. It makes me feel so good in so many ways, despite the fact I promised to help Raisa get him back.

I glance down at my dress to make sure it didn't get wrinkled on the cab ride to the hotel. I had to go home to change clothes. I'm wearing my red dress, the nicest thing I own, the one I bought for an office Christmas party two years ago. The firm I'd worked for then had rented a ballroom for the party and invited everyone to dress up. Chance texted me earlier to say "wear something special," so here I am in my red dress.

The elevator stops. I get out and, following Chance's instructions, turn left and walk to the door at the end of the hall. It has a sign on it that says "Presidential Suite."

I'm going to have sex in a suite at a luxury hotel. For a moment, I just stand there while I let that fact soak into my psyche. Until tonight, the fanciest place I've done the deed was at a Motel 6 in Pittsburgh.

Straightening, rolling my shoulders back, I knock on the door.

It swings open instantly, like he's been standing right on the other side waiting for me.

Warmth rushes through me at the sight of him, and I have the dumbest urge to fan myself with my hand.

Chance is wearing nothing but a towel.

I do raise my hand to fan myself but stop short of my face. Then I wave at him like an idiot to cover the fact I'd been about to fan myself. Honestly, can anyone blame me? He looks hotter than hot in a white towel that seems like it'll fall off at any second. I let my gaze wander over his naked chest, admiring the lines of all those muscles while I imagine running my tongue over every single one of them.

"Good evening, Elena."

When he smiles at me, the seductive slant of his lips makes me want to throw myself at him.

"Uh, hi," I say.So lame, Elena. "Guess I'm overdressed. I thought 'special' meant formal, but I guess I should've worn a towel."

"I'd thought to feed you first, but then I realized I can't wait one more second to make love to you." He offers me his hand, and when I take it, he guides me into the room. "You are stunning, Elena. Even more beautiful than when you wear a conservative business suit. I love that tight skirt you wore the other day, but this dress is even better."

"Thank you." I watch him shut the door, unable to tear my focus away from his chest. I know what his dick looks like---and feels like, and tastes like---but seeing all of him makes me so aroused I fight to keep from tearing that towel off. "I love you in a suit, but terrycloth is definitely the sexiest thing I've seen you in."

He whips off the towel, tossing it away.

We are standing in a living room. A large, curved sofa takes up most of the space, with various tables and some chairs arranged around it. I can see a doorway that leads into the bedroom. Floor-to-ceiling windows overlook the city, and the lights of countless buildings and streetlights twinkle like stars, overshadowing the sky. Sliding glass doors open onto a balcony where a table and chairs wait, but we're not going out there.

Chance takes my hand and leads me into the bedroom.

An enormous bed is the centerpiece of the room. A window offers a view of the city, but the semitransparent drapes obscure the vista. Chance turns a dial on the wall beside the door, and the lighting inside the room dims to a sensual glow that seems to burnish his skin, turning him into a golden statue of a sex god.

Damn, he's gorgeous.

I notice the covers are already pulled back on the bed.

He comes up behind me and unties the bow I'd carefully tied earlier, the one that keeps my halter dress from falling down to my waist. He lets the straps go. They slide down my body until all of me from the waist up is bared to him. He slips his fingers inside the fabric and pushes my dress over my hips. It flutters to the floor, a pool of silky scarlet at my feet.

I thank heaven I decided against wearing pantyhose, but I'm even more grateful I had the audacity to ditch the underwear. Waiting for Chance to strip those off might've killed me. His fingers grazing my skin, the soft murmur of his breaths, and the scent of him... All those things have me so turned on I'm not sure I can walk the five feet to the bed. Weak with lust? I've never experienced this before, but I like it.

He scoops me up and carries me to the bed, setting me down on the unbelievably soft sheets. They feel so good against my skin that I want to roll around on them, but I can't move. The vision of him entrances me. Sure, I've seen naked men before. But Chance is not like anyone else. He stands beside the bed, far enough away to grant me a full view of his nude body, and gives me time to absorb the sight.

Tags: Anna Durand Hot Brits Romance