Page 20 of One Hot Chance

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"Yes. Very important research." I crook a finger at her. "Come here, Elena."


"Because I asked you to."

Her lips curve into a teasing little smile. "No, you ordered me to. Bossy much?"

"Yes." I wave my arm this time. "Get your edible little arse over here this instant. Is that bossy enough for you?"

Elena sets her notepad on the desk and stands.

"Shut the door," I say.


"I'm sure you can guess why."

She closes the door and comes up to me. "Not at work."

"Then why did you shut the door?" I loop an arm around her waist and pull her closer. "You know what I'm after."

"I have to say we shouldn't, even though I want what you want." She takes my tie between her thumb and forefinger, sliding them up until her fingers meet the knot. "But I thought you wanted to wait until tonight."

"For the main course, yes. But we can have an appetizer right now."

"Appetizer? Mm, I like the sound of that." She drops to her knees in front of me, her face inches from my cock. "I am famished."

This isn't quite what I'd had in mind, but who am I to deny a woman what she wants? "Go on, then."

She unbuttons my trousers and finds the pull on the zipper, takes it between her teeth, and drags the zipper down. Her gaze stays locked on mine, and I can't look away from the sight of her lips peeled back, the little metal pull trapped between her teeth while she tugs it down, down, down. By the time she's done, I'm breathing hard.

And she hasn't even touched me yet.

Elena slips her hand inside my trousers and eases my cock out. It's already hard for her, and the sensation of her soft hands on me steals any breath I might've been trying to suck into my lungs. While she glides her hands up and down my length, I force myself to take slow and steady breaths while I brush hair away from her face and cup her chin.

"You're wonderful, Elena."

"I haven't done anything yet."

"No, I don't mean you're wonderful for this. You are wonderful all the time."

"Thank you." She puckers her lips and gently blows air across the head of my erection. When I shudder, she smiles. "Let me show you how wonderful I can be."

She opens her mouth, as if she's about to take me inside, but instead shoves my trousers and boxer shorts down to my ankles and presses her lips to my inner thigh. With her mouth open, the liquid warmth of her tongue moistens my skin. I brace my hip on the window frame, watching her face while she glides her tongue up my leg, swirling it while she travels higher and higher. Her hair brushes my cock, and I suck in a sharp breath at the sensation of her silky locks on my skin. Just when her mouth comes within millimeters of where I want it, badly, she moves to the other thigh and starts again, lovingly kissing and licking her way up toward my groin.

The vixen darts her tongue out to within a hair's breadth of my cock, then curls it back into her mouth.

"Are you trying to drive me insane?" I ask.

She slides her tongue across her bottom lip, little by little, the movement so slow and sensuous it makes my entire groin tighten. "Wouldn't you just love to die from pleasure? After all, the French call itla petite mort, the little death."

Christ, I would love to die that way---but with Elena's body wrapped around me, her silken flesh gripping me over and over in the most decadent massage. The fantasy of it makes my cock jump, and a delicate laugh tumbles from her lips. I love the sound of her laughter. It makes me want to hold her in my arms forever.

She folds her hand around my length and slides it up and down. "Can't wait till I get to see the rest of you. Just seeing this"---She plants a firm, quick kiss on the head of my erection---"makes me want you like crazy. You have the most beautiful dick in the world."

I know it's bollocks, but I don't care. Maybe I don't have the most beautiful cock on earth, but she gave the compliment with total sincerity. And hunger. Lots of hunger. Hearing her speak those words in her hushed, sultry voice... I might die before she finishes and still be the happiest soul in the afterlife. "As much as I'd love to listen to you praise my cock, better get on with it before the phone rings or someone knocks on the door."

"Yes, sir," she purrs, while she reaches behind my balls to run her fingers along the skin there.

Tags: Anna Durand Hot Brits Romance