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Then I noticed why.

Heidi stood at the fence, half-hidden in the shadows of the surrounding trees. She kept a six-inch gap between her and the fence and bit her lip while she watched the horses. And she'd gotten her clothes on the right way.

"There you are," I said.

She swung her head around to stare at me. "Damian? I thought it was your day off."

"It is. How did you know that?"

"Well, I…" She hunched her shoulders. "I asked Ollie."

"Because you're dying to spend more time with me, alone. That's cool." I rested an arm on the top bar of the fence, facing Heidi. "Ever have sex in the woods?"

"No dating, Damian."

"I mentioned sex, not dating." Leaning toward her, I gave her my best suggestive smile. "Unless you're ready for that upgrade."

"What upgrade?"

"From sex to dating. I told you we could start with getting it on, then you can upgrade to having dinner with me."

She crossed her arms over those gorgeous tits. "I'm done with men."

"But you had your way with me last night. That was the best blow job in history."

"This was a bad idea."

Heidi started to walk away, but I snagged her arm. "What was a bad idea?"

"Coming here to see the horses. I should've guessed you'd show up. Are you stalking me?"

"I had no idea you would be here. You're terrified of horses."

"Thought I'd try a little more immersion therapy."

Georgie nudged my arm, so I scratched under his chin. "Did you even pet one of these guys?"

"No, I've only been here for a couple minutes."

"At least give Georgie some love before you go." I wanted her to give me some too, but I kind of doubted that would happen.

Heidi stretched out a hand to stroke Georgie's neck, then scratched under his chin.

She turned to walk away again.

"I'll see you later, Heidi, when you get desperate to kiss me." I said those words in a teasing tone, and I knew she got that because she threw me a grudging smile over her shoulder.

And I watched her ass while she walked away.

Chapter Thirteen


I stalked back to the lawn and flumped onto an Adirondack chair. Nobody was playing miniten or any other game at the moment, though a handful of people sat in chairs or on the grass in small groups, talking and laughing. I didn't feel like laughing. Damian had me feeling…uncomfortable. Why had he felt the need to turn a night of mind-blowing sex into an intensely intimate encounter? Why couldn't he just give me amazing orgasms and leave it at that? No, he had to say sweet, sexy things and look at me like I was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. Instead of getting his rocks off and saying good night, he'd made love to me with a kind of tenderness no other man had ever shown me.

That bastard.

How was I supposed to keep pretending we weren't involved, that all I wanted was meaningless sex, if he wouldn't cooperate? Caring and sharing had never been a part of any relationship I'd ever had with a man. Even the nicest ones didn't want to cuddle after sex. None of them had ever been as patient with me or as concerned with my pleasure. I'd told Damian I trusted him, and I meant it. Even when I slammed a door in his face, he didn't get angry. He worried he'd done something wrong. And all the other things he'd said to me last night…

Tags: Anna Durand Au Naturel Trilogy Romance