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But I wanted something else tonight.

I lifted her head off me.

“What’s wrong?” she asked breathlessly.

“Nothing. I just don’t want this to end yet.” I stood, pulling her to her feet, and doing away with her pajama pants and underwear. I ditched my jeans too, but not before grabbing a condom from my wallet. “And you’re too fucking good. I wasn’t going to last.”

“Good,” she said, laughing as I sat down again and pulled her onto my lap, her thighs straddling mine. She rolled the condom on like she’d done last time while I licked two fingers and reached between her legs, gliding my wet fingertips over her clit. Her mouth fell open. She grasped my shoulders and rocked her hips over my hand. I slipped my fingers easily inside her—she was already wet from blowing me, which was so fucking hot—and she moaned as she sank down lower, hungry for more. I brought her to orgasm just like that, spellbound as I watched her skin flush and her head fall back and her body shiver.

A moment later, I was easing her onto my cock, hoping I had the strength to last long enough to make her come again. But it felt so fucking good to be inside her, to watch her ride me with reckless abandon, to smell sex and summer on her skin.

When I was so close to the breaking point I knew it was a matter of seconds, not minutes, I flexed my hips and held her tight to my body, concentrating on finding that spot deep inside her that would make her lose control. I knew I had found it when I felt her hands tighten around my biceps, saw the stunned expression on her face, heard her sounds change from rapid gasps to a low, breathless murmur… oh my God oh my God oh my God.

She went stiff, her eyes closed, and her mouth formed a perfect O. It was all I needed. I gave myself over to pure animalistic greed, gripping her hips and moving my body and hers solely to serve my pleasure before erupting inside her, my cock surging again and again and again.

Afterward, I pulled her in close and held her still for a moment. Her arms came around me, and she cradled my head against her chest. And it was the weirdest fucking thing ever, but as my heart rate came down, my throat tightened up. What the hell was going on with me? For a few terrifying seconds, I thought I was going to embarrass myself and start blubbering like a fucking baby. I couldn’t breathe.

My gut instinct was to get away from her. Get up. Get rid of the condom and say goodnight. My usual routine.

But I didn’t do it. I stayed right there in her arms until the feeling passed, and my lungs were functioning normally again. My throat was clear.

It was Emme who got up first. “Be right back,” she said, hurrying into the downstairs bathroom.

I went upstairs, cleaned up, threw on a pair of athletic pants, checked on Paisley, and came back down. Emme was back in her underwear and T-shirt, pulling on her pants. I sat on the couch. “Come here.”

Smiling, she sat down and cuddled close, tossing her legs across my lap and laying her head on my chest.

“Are you tired?” I asked her.

“A little. You?”

“A lot. But I haven’t talked to you in days and I want to hear your voice. Tell me about the job offer. And did Coco have the baby?”

While she talked, she rubbed my bare chest with her fingertips. She told me about the conversation with her cousin, about how Coco had gone into labor right there at the table, and about how she was pretty much running the business herself this week.

“No wonder Mia wants you up there,” I said, giving her a squeeze. “You’re a pro. And even though I’m selfish and I hope you’ll say no, I understand that it’s a great opportunity and I would support you if you decided to take it.”

“Thanks.” She looked up at me and smiled. “That means a lot to me. Now it’s your turn. Tell me things.”

Reminding myself that it was okay to appear less than perfect in her eyes, that she actually wanted that, I opened up about Monday’s visit to the office and how it had affected me. “It’s hard enough dealing with my own negative feelings about suddenly being a father,” I admitted. “Hearing other people’s made it ten times worse.”

She was furious. “Why would people say those things to you? How can people be so horrible?”

“They were being honest, I guess.”

“Fuck that. Honesty is not an excuse for rudeness. If you don’t have something nice to say…”

I kissed the top of her head. “You’re so cute.”

Tags: Melanie Harlow One and Only Romance