Page 44 of Cursed By Darkness

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Closing my hands in fists, I release a breath, whirling around to face the bars. I’ve despised this power, and now I miss it terribly. I could defend myself with it, and I could run from this place. I feelcompletely human again, for the first time in a while. Helpless, powerless. At the mercy of others.

I chew on the inside of my cheek. Even powerless, I’ve never been at the mercy of others, have I? Apart from being able to tell the truth from lies, I had other ways to survive in human society. Being human doesn’t mean we’re useless, and it certainly doesn’t mean we’re innocent. Many humans fuck up daily using only their personalities and tempers, never needing a supernatural power to do that. World leaders start wars because of ambition and egos, no matter how much of a norm they are.

That’s it. I can do it. I can find a way out of this hole even without my powers. They would make everything easier, yes, but I must find a way around this problem without them. I need to be smart. I’ve always been good at reading people, since I spent the past years playing poker, and that might be the one skill I need the most. A good reading, some choice words, and I might have the opening I need.

The moment comes sooner than I expected. I barely finish the thought and the door into the dungeon creaks open. My heart jumps in my chest. I turn around, tightening my fists as I wait for whoever’s coming after me. Soft steps bring the mysterious person closer. I flare my nostrils, adrenaline pumping into my veins.

A boy walks in. And I say boy because he doesn’t look much older than sixteen. Tall, lanky, blond hair curling around his ears. I frown, confusion like a slap to my face. Then I notice the black t-shirt and dark jeans, ripped at his knees. The crackling of electricity follows, and when he stops, I see the blade in his hand.

“A reaper,” I breathe out, meeting his eyes. “Rather young to be one, aren’t you?”

He lifts a shoulder. “Does it matter how I look? We’re immortal. I could be thousands of years old.”

“Are you?”

He looks puzzled for a moment, then shakes his head. “It doesn’t matter. Come on. I’m supposed to take you to the king.” With a snap of his fingers and the whispering of a couple of words, the doors unlock. He motions for me to leave the cell, then shows me his back as he takes the lead out of the dungeon.

Just the two of us. I arch an eyebrow. Why didn’t the king send his demons? And why is there a reaper working for him? “Why?” I ask.

He half-turns to glance at me. “Why what?”

“Why are you taking me to the king? I thought you worked for the Devil.”

A small sound escapes the back of his throat. “Technically, we don’t work for anyone, but yeah. You could say the Devil leads us.”

“Then why is the king ordering you around like he owns you?”

His shoulders bunch for a second. “He doesn’t own us. I’m only doing what I was told to.”

Good. I hit a soft spot. We leave the dungeons in favor of the corridors, and since there’s more space, I pick up my pace to walk beside him. “I thought demons would come get me, since they’re the ones who have to obey the King of the Abyss. I had no idea he had power over reapers, too.”

This time, he stops and turns to face me, his brow creased. “For the last time, human, he has no power over reapers. You’re an escaped soul, and escaped souls fall into reapers’ jurisdiction. I was nearby doing a job, so they ordered me to lead you back.”

“Sorry,” I say, showing my hands in a placating sigh. We walk another set of steps in silence, and I count my heartbeats, glancing at the perpendicular corridors. “I meant no offense. It’s just that, I understand you’ll take me to the barrier. The only thing that’s confusing is why he sent you to the dungeons to do something his demons could do.”

His jaw sets. I watch a muscle flutter there, but he says nothing. I have to fight against the smile. Good to know I haven’t lost my touch. To distract your adversary is an obvious tactic in poker, constantly used, and well executed in real life.

The reaper slows down when we come to a crossroads, hesitating for a moment before taking the right path. Halfway there, he shakes his head, then takes another turn. It’s a massive house, and it looks easy to get lost in it. Sliding a glance in his direction, I catch him squinting at some demons sitting near a window. The horned men sneer our way.

Demons and reapers don’t look like they get along. The guards we met treated Zaki with respect, but he was the prince. I wonder what their everyday relationship is like.

We reach an empty corridor. Through the windows into the garden, I see the road Zaki and I arrived on. The horse is not at the entrance, but the exit is close enough I could make a run for it. I could dart into those woods nearby, try to lose the reaper for a while, then run back to the road to find the entrance into the Light Realm. Reapers can feel wandering souls, so this one would eventually find me if I stopped.

So, I won’t. I have to run and keep running until I’m out of here.

My heartbeat flutters in my ears. I swallow, keeping my poker face on. “These demons are so nasty, right?” I say, looking over my shoulder at the pair far behind. “And they think they’re better than every other race out there. Humans, angels, reapers...”

“They’re not better than reapers,” he replies with snark.

Bingo. “They certainly treat you like they were,” I whisper just as another demon comes around the corner. As if he knew what I’m talking about, he locks his gaze with the reaper’s and bares his teeth, sneering at him.

I can almost hear the reaper’s restraint shatter. He pulls his sword, the crackling of dark energy curling around his arm as the blade arches in the demon’s direction. The horned man widens his eyes, lifting an arm to protect himself. The sword stops, inches from slashing through the demon’s skin.

“Respect me, filth,” the reaper spits. “I will not tolerate the way you look at me.”

The demon slowly straightens. Steps approach fast behind me. More demons, I bet, which would explain the surge of courage on this one. “I can sneer at your ugly face as much as I want, weakling,” says the demon, grinning. “What are you going to do about it? Are you going to attack me? While you’re in the Abyss?”

“Reapers have immunity,” says the reaper as I step away. “Don’t you dare fucking touch me.”

Tags: Taylor Fox Paranormal