Page 45 of Touched By Darkness

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But first things first. I let the ice bag fall to the couch and get to my feet, testing the ankle. It lets me stand on it, and Ren only watches as I make my way to the door and lean my shoulder against the frame.

Apollo’s dark skin glimmers with a sheen of sweat under the sun. The muscles of his back move every time he lets the ax fall, and damn, his arms. His biceps curl when he brings the ax back up, using a hand to adjust the wood. I basically drool over him. These men around me are a whole new level of hot.

Apollo notices me and shoots me a smirk, hacking at the wood for another couple of minutes before he abandons the ax and walks to me. “You should rest,” he says, his voice steady. Can’t he get tired? He makes everything sound so easy.

“I wanted to watch you hacking at the wood,” I say with a shrug. “That’s how shallow I am. I think you’re hot.”

He ambles closer, a smirk on his lips, and his hands find my waist. “Then I’m shallow as fuck, because you, mate, make me hard every time you get close.”

Apollo’s lips brush against mine, and I hum. “Really?” I tease, chewing on my lower lip and enjoying the way his eyes brighten up. “I don’t know if I should trust you.”

He presses his body against mine, hard cock twitching against my belly. “There. Do you believe me now?”

My face flares up with heat. “I do...” I gaze up at him, my breasts brushing his sweaty chest. “Don’t forget your promise.”

“I won’t, and I see your foot’s already good.” Apollo’s hands slide down to my hips, the tips of his fingers brushing my ass. Fuck, every little thing is the hottest tease. My panties grow wet, and I’m about to have to change them.

“Mm. It’s good. I kind of healed myself back in the woods.”

He cocks his head. “Did you now? Mages do that. I think they can suck their element from nature or something.”

“Sounds good.” My mind is gone, my gaze pinpointed on his lips.

“You know what also sounds good?” Apollo’s gruff voice asks, and then he moves. So. Freaking. Fast. I gasp when he throws me over his shoulder like a caveman, my head hanging down his back. “You. Resting.” He climbs the porch and enters the cabin.

“Apollo!” I whine, wiggling.

He slaps my ass, hard. I yelp, and more wetness seeps from me. By now, I’m a freaking waterfall. Can they see it through my pants? Apollo plops me down on the couch next to Ren, who locks me against his chest. I brace myself with a hand on his thigh, and my forearm brushes against something long and hard. I snap my gaze at him. His eyes are molten good, just like Apollo’s.

Apollo’s breath brushes my face, and I turn to face him. The two are close, too close, their scents mingling and intoxicating, burning my throat as I try to catch my breath. My nipples ache, ache for their touch. I catch a glimpse of Donatello standing behind the couch, red eyes fastened on me.

For the first time with them, I feel like prey. And there’s not a drop of fear in me.

“Each one of us can smell you, mate, and your arousal is heavenly,” Apollo breathes against my lips. “And I bet it’s as hard for them to keep their hands away as it is for me. So take your time. Rest your foot.” He straightens, but I can only gawk at his hard cock bulging against his pants. “We have time.”

It sounds like a filthy promise, and I shiver. Apollo steps away but still watches me. I turn to Donatello, his fingers gripping the couch so hard the fabric is about to rip. His chest rises and falls with his breath.

“It’s a pity to agree with him, but Apollo’s right,” Donatello’s voice is strangled like he’s holding back. I press my thighs against one another, seeking some sort of friction. Even his gaze makes me hot. “Let us take care of you.”

Those words are a bucket of cold water. They wake me up from this haze of desire. Shake me to something new, unexpected. These three want to take care of me. Me. The abandoned, rejected girl who was insulted her entire life. No one ever took care of me. It was always me against the world, and I’m not even sure how it is to have someone on my side.

And yet, they want to stay. My heart beats faster, and not because of the sexual tension. Am I ready to surrender to them? Or will they betray me like every other person I trusted in life? My heart is on the line, and worse — my life.

My very life depends on it.



My stomach growls with hunger. Though my dragon wants nothing more than to stretch his wings and fly closer to the moon, we need some fuel, and whatever Donatello cooked, it smells fantastic.

Not that I’m ever telling him that.

The chair creaks under my weight when I sit down. Cassandra chuckles, sitting across from me. “You sure this chair can handle you?” she asks with a sarcastic smile to her face.

I mirror her grin. “The chair is fine. Can you, though?”

Her cheeks are pink, but she doesn’t look away. “Try me, sexy.”

Tags: Taylor Fox Paranormal