Page 42 of Touched By Darkness

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The kick seems to do something, and Donatello sits up like a vampire out of old movies. He jerks straight, eyes snapping open so out of nowhere, I drop back in surprise. Apollo lets out a mix of screams and curses, then chokes and starts on a fit of cough.

“Donatello!” Cassandra calls out, reaching out for him, then stopping herself. “You’re alive!”

He cranes his neck until it pops, then scrambles to stand up. Alive or not, he doesn’t look his best, stumbling to his feet and using a tree to keep his balance. The blond hair hanging from his head sticks to his raw face, and I drag my gaze away. I’ve seen loads of disturbing shit, and I don’t need to see any more.

“Can’t you wake up like a normal person?” Apollo hisses, stomping closer. “That was some horror movie shit.”

Donatello raises his burned hands to cradle Cassandra’s face so gently it looks like she’s the one burned to a crisp. He doesn’t touch her, hovering an inch from her cheeks. “Are you hurt? I’m so sorry I lost control of the car. I’d forever blame myself if you got hurt.” He studies the dry blood in her forehead and dismisses it.

She shakes her head. “I’m fine, and it was not your fault. I’m the one who’s sorry. This power is not under my control, and I should have chosen a better place to train. A safer place.”

“We’re the ones who suggested it,” Apollo chimes in. “Not your fault, mate.”

Cassandra frowns but says nothing more. Donatello reaches up to tuck his hair behind his ears and away from his healing face. I blink twice. The skin is regrowing around his jaw and up to his cheeks, slowly turning less angry red and pinker. Wow, I had never seen a vampire heal before. It’s crazier than shifter healing, and ours is already good.

“Who’s the new guy?” Donatello blows, shooting me a glance.

“Ren,” I say, offering a hand.

Donatello studies it for a moment, then shows his palms, still covered in blisters. “Forgive me. I’ll have to delay the handshake. My name’s Donatello.”

“I got that much.” I tilt my chin to Cassandra. “Found Cass in the woods, right after the crash. She was super worried about having burned you to death.”

“Cass?” Apollo hisses.

“Thanks for helping her,” Donatello prompts, turning his head to gape at the dark-haired beauty between us. “And you didn’t kill me, so all is right.”

“The car’s not alright,” I tease, shooting Cassandra a smile.

She smirks back. “It wasn’t ours, anyway.”

I chuckle. Just who the hell am I getting mixed up with? The others let me tag along even without Cassandra telling them I’m her mate. Her new mate. Is the vampire hers, too? I’m not sure how vampires work with this mate thing. As far as I know, only shifters have mates, but I know nothing of vampires.

We make our way back to the car, where Apollo retrieves his shirt, then puts it on without ever telling me why the hell was he half-naked. From there, we follow the woods, hugging the shade until we reach a small trail. I unbutton my flannel and offer it to Donatello to cover his face and arms so we can cross the road, and he looks thankful as we walk some five minutes under the sun. The rest of the way is in the shade, for the vampire’s luck.

Just like that, I don’t feel like a lone wolf anymore. Just like that, I know I’ll have to learn to trust these guys rather quickly. Every time I catch a whiff of Cassandra’s scent, I know she’s something else, and not just in the romantic sense. There’s something different about her magic, and my instincts tell me the road isn’t going to be easy.

Good thing she’s not alone.



The early morning sun filters through the leaves above, pouring down my face when I crane my neck back. I narrow my eyes and look away, the sun burning my pupils. I was never a girl who enjoyed spending hours soaking in the sun, tanning, and shit, which is obvious for anyone who sees my pale legs. It’s a good thing this place has so many trees.

We basically hike into the property. Ten minutes on foot from the road, and the first cabins appear. One-story log cabins, with wrap-around porches and windows wide open, letting the sun in. The place smells like pine and firewood, like a camp after a night of toasting marshmallows. Not that I’ve ever done that, but I’ve seen it in movies.

My boots scrape the dirt path off the trail as we pass the houses in silence. Apollo keeps his eyes ahead, leading us further into the property and away from the others. I peek over my shoulder, wondering where is everybody. Are they still asleep? The windows are flung open.

“Where is everybody?” I whisper to Apollo’s wide back.

He looks back at me for a moment, empty-faced. “Asleep. It’s early.”

“But the windows...”

“Shifters run hot,” he replies. “We need the breeze to cool us off.”

I nod in understanding. “This place is so far off. Do you really live here?”

Tags: Taylor Fox Paranormal