Page 14 of His Taken Bride

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Once the door was closed, she struggled to catch her breath. She couldn’t believe she had done that. Had she really strolled through the cabin in nothing but bikini bottoms in front of not only her overly possessive husband but also their server?

Yes. Yes, she had.

It was called empowering herself against Parker and she didn’t care what he would say about the situation.

Her breath still coming out in short bursts, she vacillated between panic and power.

Removing the rest of her bathing suit, she stepped into the massive shower cubicle and took an extended shower.

She exfoliated her skin and deep conditioned her hair and knew she was stalling… somewhat.

It was a case of what now. Or it was a case of his move now. Which would probably result in another spanking.

With her body sparkling from good health and sunshine, she dried off, smoothed a thick lotion on her skin, slipped into one of the luxurious robes then blow-dried her hair using her fingers.

She turned her tresses into a knot and then stepped into the bedroom, the size of which still made her stagger. It was hard to think she was on a ship of all places. The room was bigger than her whole apartment and clearly only meant for the stinking rich. Something she was never going to be, and she was very much okay with that. She had her dad, even though he stopped acknowledging her existence, and her bakery and her friends.

And… Parker…

She almost jumped out of her skin when her gaze fell on Parker standing in the doorway. At the same moment, she noticed the most beautiful dress she had ever seen in all her life hanging against the door of the closet.

The shimmering gold fabric looked entirely too delicate for anyone to wear and the instant thought that she would tear it if she touched it sailed through her mind.

The bodice was ruched, and the skirt flowed with a mystical softness to the floor. She could tell it cost a fortune just by the fabric used and the amount of detail that went into the design.

She had known there would be exclusive high-end boutiques on the ship and other stores that sold designer fashion items, like handbags and perfume.

Not that she and her friends had any prospects to shop, money being a limiting factor. But was this the dress inside the garment bag Benny had brought?

Ha. She was totally using the dress as a divergent from having to face Parker.

If she thought she had overstepped a boundary by walking back into the cabin with her boobs out and free for all to see, his expression hammered out any doubt on her side.

She tried to swallow against the lump in her throat. She had no idea what he was going to do to her, and the thought evoked a kaleidoscope of sensations within her. Most disturbing of all was the uncanny wetness between her legs yet again and the painful beading of her nipples that wrecked her to her core.

She should not be feeling aroused by this. She should be scared out of her mind. While she had obsessed over him for the last three years since seeing him that one night, she had also been obsessing about a man involved in the mafia. The more she thought about it, the more she believed it.

How was she going to survive him?

The skin on her ass, which she had to admit was still a tinge sore from her first spanking tingled.

It was as if she wanted him to spank her again.

Swallowing hard, she slowly lifted her gaze back to him.

“Did you think you were going to get away with your little stunt?”

“Yes. If I recall you didn’t mentiondon’t show my boobs to strange menas one of your rules, so…”

Parker chuckled for the first time and the sound gave her a mental orgasm. His laugh lacked a good portion of joviality, but he made up for it in the dark dominance area.

“You may have ruined that poor boy’s life, you know that?”

She didn’t answer and stopped herself from begging him to leave Benny alone. It wasn’t his fault. But Parker was smart, he said that to break her down.

She wasn’t backing down. Not now at least and she would make sure nothing actually happened to Benny. Poor Benny had been caught in a tug of war of power between her and Parker.

“Take the robe off,” he said, pushing away from the door frame and stepping inside the room.

Tags: Chloe Kent Romance