Page 10 of His Taken Bride

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He dipped in deeper between her wet folds but not deep enough. She wanted to open her legs wider to allow him to go farther inside her. But he teased her. Played with her. Feather-light touches that drove her insane.

She moaned and purred, clutching his shoulders for dear life. Absorbing his scent, so that in her mind it camouflaged the scent of her arousal lingering in the air between them.

But her frustrations won out and she started to beg for release.

“Please,” she said. All her pride had fled.

As if he had been waiting for that one word, Parker increased the rhythm of his strokes. She gasped and alternated between biting her lips and squeezing his shoulders when it became too much when she was too close to coming.

He didn’t give her a moment of reprieve and soon her entire world went hurtling through time and space.

She came with such force that she shattered into a million pieces.

The moment he released her a cold wave settled over her and her reality came crashing down on her.

What had she done?

“You still hate me?” he asked, then licked the very finger he had put inside her.

This was how he had answered her statement about her hating him. He hadn’t proved her wrong, just that he could make her body do things at his command and she was nothing but a helpless puppet under his control.

She hated that even more than hating him for what he had done to her father.

Chapter Four

Everleigh discovered she had a new personality trait she never knew she possessed before. The ability to sulk.

With her dignity in shreds over having been spanked like a petulant child, she had stormed off into one of the bedrooms and now sat on the bed with her arms folded. But it wasn’t long before she had to gingerly lift herself up from the bed when the sting in her backside quadrupled. She opted instead to pace the floor.

How could he do that to her? She had never been more humiliated in all her life. She didn’t know which had been worse: the actual spanking which he had administered over his knee, or her writhing against his thighs, hot and wet, not a piece of pride left as she begged him to make her come.

She dragged her hands through her hair and just barely caught herself from screaming her frustration out loud.

He weakened her. Placed her in a position where she was never going to survive. It didn’t matter if he had just touched her shoulder or pulled down her panties and spanked her bottom, she probably would have reacted the same. Begged for his touch. That’s what three years of him filling her dreams night after night had resulted in.

How many times had she told herself how unhealthy it was to be using Parker Knight as a measure for all other men? She didn’t even know him. He could still very well be the freaking mafia.

She only knew his body. She had made him out to be a prince in her fantasies, and now she knew otherwise. He was no prince. And he didn’t even pretend to be one, which somehow made everything worse.

“Never meet your heroes,” they always said. In her case, never meet the object of her deepest desire and most profound lust because he would spank her and reduce her to a quivering mess, begging him to touch her clit, and dip his long, strong fingers between her folds. Touch her. Fuck her. All to prove a point.

In her fantasy, he was gentle. A gentleman. In reality… in reality, he had unearthed some dark, hidden side of her and turned her into a savage wanton woman, blind with a need that was not conventional.

She cupped her face in her hands and shook her head. Yes, she needed her head examined. ASAP. First, she needed to get off the ship, but when the futility of that thought reared its head, she decided, instead, to keep her cool until it was over.

They couldn’t be on a cruise ship forever. He had to go back home. He was a billionaire whether he made his fortune honestly or not. He had his money to take care of: added to that, he also had her land. It wouldn’t be long now before she received some type of email from his very efficient lawyers asking her to sign over the property to him.

What use would he have for her afterward? The pinching sensation in her heart created a frown on her forehead, but she quickly brushed it aside. It didn’t matter.

Gosh, she was so tired. And so hungry. She attacked the basket of fruits, nuts, and chocolate, which had been left on a table in the bedroom as well. She filled herself up, drank some water, then lay down on the bed.

Just for a moment, she told herself. Somewhere in her subconscious, she remembered thinking those same words and had ended up on the ocean, on a cruise ship with her freshly married husband as her only company. She didn’t once see the crew. Were they even present?

It took less than a few minutes for her to fall into a deep, untroubled sleep as if she had no problems in the world.


Everleigh opened her eyes and stretched. The first thing to meet her was the sheer luxury of the sheets. Egyptian cotton, no less. The scent of lavender and fresh flowers permeated the air. An almost gentle vibration around her lulled her and was surprisingly comforting.

Tags: Chloe Kent Romance