Page 34 of Savage Hunter

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“What are you going to do?”

“Look through these again. The answer’s got to be in here somewhere. Your father wouldn’t have sent you the key without letting you know why.”

“Hang on. Can I see the key?”

He passes it to me. Stamped on the back is the name of the bank. Uncle Vincenzo’s bank. “Why don’t I open the safe and see what’s in there?”

He snatches the key back off me. “You wouldn’t make it through the door, trust me.”

“How do you know that?”

“If they want what’s in the safe, they want it before you can see it. You’re the key to all this, Clarissa. We just need to work out why before we both end up six feet under.”


Ilook around me while Clarissa’s inside the childminder’s place. Such a quiet town. Six in the evening and the only sound is a lawnmower somewhere in the distance. It’s like the entire place is having dinner at once. I can smell about a dozen different pot roasts.

The hairs on the back of my neck are standing up, have been since she went inside. I’ve still got time before anyone else is sent in. Why do I feel like there’s a threat out there?

I keep watch while I dig my phone out. I’ve given her five minutes to finish the handover. After that, we’re spending the entire night sorting this all out. The paperwork has been a bust so far. We’re going to go over it again, but first I’ve got someone I need to speak to.

The phone rings, and then there’s a click as it connects. Another click and a beep and now the line’s secure. “Done?” Imelda asks before I get the chance to speak.

“Who gave you the contract?”

She makes a sound that’s like half laughter, half snort of disgust. “You know I can’t tell you that.”

“Tell me about this one.”

“No can do. Terms of the contract specify it explicitly. Need to know basis and you don’t need to know. Is it done?”

“Not yet.”

“So get off the line and get to work. It’s one kill, Jack. How long can it take?”

“It’s her family, isn’t it? Someone in her family wants her gone. I just don’t get why.”

“They could shoot me for even discussing it with you. I’m going now. Senator’s birthday cake is about to be brought out.”

“At least tell me why they want her dead. You’ve got to give me that.”

“Got to give you that? Listen to me, I don’t have to give you anything. You work for me. Last time I checked, it’s not the other way around. Get the assignment done. The clock’s ticking.”

“I’m not completing until I know why.”

“You going rogue on me? Is that it?”

“Up to you how this goes from here, but anyone you send to complete is going to face me. You want that?”

“Do you want that? Chopping down one man after another until you’re too beat up to keep going.” She sighs, the sound faint down the line. In the background I can hear happy birthday being sung by several people. When she speaks again, her voice is quieter. “Don’t go getting feelings about her, you son of a bitch. You can get hold of pussy anywhere. You don’t need this one.”

“Nothing happens until I get some answers.”

“Think about it hard, won’t you? Got a couple of days to mull it over, but make sure you make the right choice here. More than just your life, depending on your decisions.”

“If you won’t tell me, I’ll find out another way. Make it easier, just tell me.”

“Good luck with that. If you can do that, I’ll buy you a fucking beer myself.” I think she’s hung up, but then she adds something that sticks with me. “People don’t change,” she says. “You are a killer. You’re just letting your cock confuse you. Get the job done and get back.”

Tags: Rosa Milano Romance