Page 24 of Savage Hunter

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“Is that allowed? I mean, if I’m working here?”

“Sure thing. My three all came through Sunnyside. Kerry, who works mornings has got her little boy enrolled. Oscar, he is. Cute as a button he is. I know a great childminder too. Can introduce you if you like.”

“Is it Meghan, by any chance?”

“You know her?”

“Sure, she’s got Sophie right now.”

“Oh, I see. Anyway, I’m getting off the point. Let’s get back to the proper questions. Why the change? What makes you want to work here?”

“I’ve always wanted to work with kids, my whole life. I’ve been doing a correspondence course in childcare and I’m hoping I can get some hands on experience.”

“Don’t want to be at home with your little, sorry, what was your daughter’s name?”

“Sophie. And I’d love to, but I can’t afford it. Got to pay the rent somehow.”

“So you’re only interested in the job for the pay?” Her eyebrows go up and she notes something on the top sheet of her form.

“No, I’m sorry, that came out wrong. What I mean is I can’t afford to just be with her and if I’m going to work, I’d love for it to be in the field where I want my career to grow.” I pause and then frown. “Did that sound better or worse out loud than in my head?”

She laughs, making another note. “You’re nervous, aren’t you?”

“I am. I really want this job and I feel like I already screwed up.”

“Nothing wrong with being honest. It’s not a volunteer post. It’s paid well for a reason. We’re the best rated kindergarten in four counties. We hire the best people, not just the best qualified. Budget meeting coming up and I’m praying it goes well or we’re really in trouble. We even set up a donation page online to keep us going. I’ll give you the link if you know anyone who can help out. Now, what I think we should maybe do, is get you in for a day this week. Observe you with the children.”


“That’s what we’re offering for all the candidates. We’ve had some good people through this morning, but none of them said anything about the crayon. I use that as a test whenever we interview. Got to tell you, never taken someone on board who hasn’t mentioned it so you’re off to a good start, despite your lack of qualifications.” She writes something else on the form. “Must say, the best qualification you can have is a little one of your own. What’s she like with naps?”

I get the feeling this is the real question. How I answer will make or break my application. “Got an app to monitor them. I can show you if you like?”

“Go ahead.”

I get my phone out and show her the blocks of blue and white. “As you can see, around twelve until two each day and then in bed for eight. It’s not perfect, but she normally gets herself to sleep within fifteen minutes of going down.”

“Self settler?”

“Has been since she was nine months.”

Whatever test that was, I get the feeling I passed. She smiles at me. “That’s impressive. Does Dad help out at all with bedtimes, or is he at work?”

“It’s just me.” I get a flash of memory. Despite the years since I last saw him, his face comes straight to mind. The hunger in his eyes as we stagger into my bedroom back in New York.

I rub my forehead, erasing the image from my mind as Mrs. McCain gives me a quizzical look. “Sorry,” she says. “Old fashioned of me to make assumptions. I’m divorced myself. Anyway, this is the important one. What would you bring to this job?”

“Passion. Enthusiasm. Commitment. Long term too. I’m planning to bring my daughter up here in Grant’s Hollow. I’d like to own my own place here someday. I’m about a five minute walk from here too so I could be here in the worst of the winter weather.”

“It’s great you’re so near. We have parents who need to get to work no matter if there’s a blizzard out there. Last question for now and then we’ll reconvene after your trial session. It’s one we ask everyone, so don’t take it personally. Is there anything on your social media profiles that could embarrass us? Drunken nights out, inappropriate tee-shirts, effing and jeffing in your updates. Anything like that?”

“I’m not on social media.”

“Really? Not at all?”


“Girl your age. Who’d have thunk it?”

Tags: Rosa Milano Romance