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I laugh.

“Patty, we didn’t become physical therapists because of the hot men. We did it to help people, remember?”

“Oh right,” she pouts. “But still. Who doesn’t brush off their mustache after they eat? Eew!”

Laughing, we join everyone in the kitchen as more guests arrive. Sure enough, after just a few minutes, Rose and Haley appear with only their diapers on and both dresses discarded who-knows-where? The room bursts into laughter as the babies scamper about, mirthful with their chubby arms and legs pumping.

It’s a successful first birthday for our daughter, and I’m so glad to see our friends again. After our guests leave, Haley is completely tuckered out, and Damon brings the drowsy girl upstairs to be tucked in. Meanwhile, I start cleaning. I throw away the empty pizza boxes and put the leftover food into the fridge. Then, as I begin to fill the dishwasher, a pair of warm, strong arms wrap around me from behind. “Hey there,” I murmur, nuzzling against Damon’s planed cheek.

“Hey yourself,” he hums, speaking in that low, delicious drawl that I adore so much. He puts his hands on my hips and kisses the back of my neck, making me shiver. Then I smile and turn around in his arms, standing up on my tiptoes to meet his lips with mine.

“So, I guess today was a success,” he murmurs.

“Oh, definitely. I mean, aside from the fact that our daughter is determined to be naked every second of the day.”

He chuckles and pulls me away from the dishwasher to lead me into the living room. It’s comfortable, with big beige couches, and to my surprise, the music is on low. We dance for a bit, our arms wrapped around each other, and as the song draws to a close, Damon gently lifts my chin to look into his ocean blue eyes.

“Rachel, these last few years have been the happiest in my life,” he begins slowly. “I never thought I’d experience this kind of joy, but you’ve proved me wrong over and over again, and so…” he drops down to one knee in front of me.

My hands fly to my mouth, and tears spring to my eyes. Is this really happening? My heart leaps as Damon reaches into his pocket and pulls out a blue velvet box.

“Oh my,” I whisper.

The big man nods, his gaze full of adoration.

“Rachel, will you marry me?” he asks. “Will you be my bride, and make me the happiest man in the world?”

I inhale before a huge smile breaks over my face. “Yes!” I sob. “Yes, I will. I love you Damon Nash. I’d love to become Mrs. Rachel Nash.”

With that, he opens the box, revealing a beautiful diamond ring with sapphires set on either side. I sniffle as he slides the gem onto my finger, and it fits just right, as if it was meant to be there. Then, my new fiancé gets up from the floor and kisses me long and slow. I lose myself in the heat of his mouth before breaking away for an instant.

“Oh wait,” I say with a giggle. “I’ve got something for you too.”

“Really?” he raises a brow. “Trying to one up me, bunny?”

“Perish the thought,” I smile, wiping a stray tear with the back of my hand. “But yes, of course I am.”

Then, I go to my purse and reach inside before returning with a little square of photo paper. But of course, Damon already suspected. After all, we’ve been making love non-stop without protection, and so it was bound to happen sooner or later.

“I just found out,” I whisper. “You’re going to be a daddy again!”

Tags: Cassandra Dee Erotic