Page 35 of Illicit Ire

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The room fell silent again as the old ladies took on contemplative expressions. I was sure Sugar was thrilled to have the heat off her. I didn’t know Karma well, but I was stunned these ladies were implying Cobra was her daughter’s father.

Did he not know she was his daughter?

It didn’t sound like he knew. I couldn’t see the resemblance they were talking about, so maybe he didn’t either.

“Why hasn’t Karma told him about Nova?” The question flew out of my mouth before I could stop it.

The women all shrugged.

I withdrew into myself. They clearly didn’t want to discuss Karma and Cobra. I imagined he’d hurt her in some way. Cheating came to mind. I was curious but wouldn’t poke around for answers. Gossiping wasn’t my way. I sure as heck wouldn’t want them talking behind my back about what had happened to me.

I glanced at the clock. It was almost eleven. Nana would be going to bed soon, then I’d have the sitting area in the suite all to myself while I waited for Drew to come home.

Please keep him safe.I flicked my eyes toward the ceiling.



Twelve Knights, eight Harleys, two cages, and hundreds of rounds of ammo went into Viper territory. Their clubhouse was in West Saint Paul, so we wouldn’t risk harming civilians by bringing bombs. These assholes weren’t stupid and had hidden among museums and a hospital. We couldn’t just ride in on our hogs, guns blazing. There were some lines we tried not to cross. Killing innocents was one of them.

We followed Prez into battle with only one thought:Cripple the motherfuckers who threatened our loved ones.

This battle would be different from others we’d been in. Several of my brothers had families now—children and old ladies. My brothers wouldn’t tempt fate as they had before, running into a war not fearing death. Before, they had no one waiting for them at home.

Storm had his Angel, Birdie, and another baby on the way.

Dodge had Emilee, a baby due in a few months, and little Dante running around.

Boxer had his Snow and baby Max.

Lynx was the most recent member to fall in love. He and Jaynee weren’t married, but no one would know it the way he treated her and her little girl, Sadie. They meant everything to him.

All of my MC brothers needed to return to their families. They couldn’t run into battle not giving a shit, like before.

Where did that leave the other single members and me?

Wolf would welcome death to be with Jill on the other side. He had been going through the motions of life just as I had been until yesterday. Granted, down deep, I’d held onto the hope Ava would one day love me back. I’d been right to hold on.

My girl was at the forefront of my thoughts the entire ride to The Cities. I’d do anything to return to her as I promised, even strike a deal with the devil.

I hoped it didn’t come to that.

Storm had divided us into two groups. Each had an enforcer to head it up.

Raul, Lynx, Art, Copper, and Maddox were in my group. We’d split off from Storm’s crew when we hit downtown. Art drove the cage that held our ammunition, with Maddox.

My heart raced as we got closer to our target, which was a first for me. The thought of dying hadn’t bothered me before Ava. Hell, I was a lot like Wolf. I would’ve welcomed death, so I could forget the horrible shit in my life, like growing up with alcoholic parents. My dad had been a violent drunk. My earliest memory was of him whipping me with his favorite black belt. The older and bigger I got, the harder he’d lashed at my back.

Fuck, I didn’t know how I’d explain the scars on my back when Ava saw them. And she would see them sooner than I’d expected. She would be the only woman to know the truth about the hell I’d gone through.

“We’re five minutes out.” Storm’s voice came over the Bluetooth in my helmet. “I want us to get in, destroy, and get out. Understood?”

I grunted, as did the others.

“Good. Stick to the plan. Only go on the designated routes afterward.”

More grunts of acknowledgment.

Tags: Naomi Porter Knight's Legion MC Romance