Page 32 of Illicit Ire

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“I get it. I do. It’s why I was glad you were able to convince Nana to come here. I was afraid to stay at the house without you. What happened yesterday scared me.”

“I would’ve tied up Silvia and brought her regardless. I told you, baby, I’m not taking any chances with your safety.” He kissed my lips softly. “I love you.”

“I know you do. And I love you.” It blew my mind how far we’d come in twenty-four hours. Those three little words came out of our mouths naturally, like we’d been saying them our whole lives.

It shouldn’t surprise me. For more than a year, we’d been seeing each other four to five times a week. I’d been a frightened mouse early on, and he’d been the grumpy biker who insisted on doing chores around my house and bringing me groceries. Gradually, a friendship developed, then last summer, he changed. He’d spent more time with me, looked at me differently, and treated me like I meant more to him. I wasn’t sure why I hadn’t made the connection until yesterday.

He dug into the inside pocket of his cut. “I have something for you. Don’t freak out.”

“You know, telling me not to freak out makes me want to freak out.”

“Well, don’t. It’s not bad.” He presented a white envelope with my name scribbled on it.

“What’s this? A love letter?” I couldn’t imagine Drew writing sweet words to me. Who really knew what the man was capable of? He’d shown a whole new side last night, the side that loved me. Obviously, anything was possible.

“No. My last will and testament.”

“What?” I went to stand, but he firmly held me in place on his lap. “This is awful, Drew. I don’t want it.” I shoved the envelope to his chest.

“I’m coming back to you, Ava.”

“Then why this?” I waved it in his face. “It’s like you’re saying good-bye, and you can’t.” I threw myself into his arms. “You can’t, Drew. I need you.”

“Honey, don’t get upset. The only reason I wanted you to have it was so you’d know; should something happen to me, you and Nana would be taken care of.”

I sagged into his chest as tears rolled down my cheeks. He’d made arrangements to take care of me and my nana in the event of his death?

“I’m not even your wife, Drew. We only just had sex last night. I don’t even know what to say… except you better bring your ass home to me!”

He chuckled. “I love when you get fired up, little warrior.”

I poked him in the side. “Don’t tease me.”

“I’m not, baby. I’m sorry this document upsets you.”

“How did you have it drawn up so fast?”

He lifted my chin and dried my tears with his thumbs. “I had it drawn up the day I realized I loved you… last summer.”

I couldn’t help breaking down in his arms. “Dang it, Drew. You’re priceless.”

He kissed me. “So are you, Ava Marie.”

“You promise to come back to me?”

“I promise to come back to you. Do you want me to come here after I return or wait to see you in the morning?”

“Do the other ladies wait up for their man?”

He shot me a panty-melting smile. “Am I your man?”

I pinched his cheek. “Don’t be a stinker. Yes, you’re my man, just like I’m your woman, right?”

“Yes. You’re mine. And no, the women don’t usually wait up. A couple of them have babies now.”

I nodded, exhaling a nervous breath. “I know. Can I hang out with the old ladies in the clubhouse for a while?”

“Baby, you can do whatever you feel comfortable doing. You won’t be allowed off the property, just so you know.”

Tags: Naomi Porter Knight's Legion MC Romance