Page 19 of Illicit Ire

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Storm cut his eyes at Grizzly. Our computer whiz hadn’t found a link between the Vipers and Richard, but it didn’t mean there wasn’t one.

“No, Prez. I didn’t find any connection,” Grizzly replied before Storm asked the question. He slouched in his chair and tied his long hair in a ponytail. My brother had locks to rival Jason Momoa. “I’ve been keeping tabs on Richard. Don’t forget I have his club and home bugged.”

How the fuck Grizzly had managed that from his iPad impressed the hell out of me. He must have learned a lot from Toby when he’d visited. Angel’s brother dropped in monthly these days to see his sister and niece. A fair amount of his short visit had also been spent with Libby and Grizzly. Not that I’d cared what Toby had been doing or with whom. My focus had been on my little warrior.

I eyed my phone, itching to text Ava. Most of our communication had been via messaging. Before her, I hated having to carry around a cell phone. Now, I kept it in my hand, anxious for her to send me one of her cute messages.

We still had a lot to discuss regarding us.Us. Damn, it was hard to believe there was an us.

“I want to retaliate ASAP,” Storm announced.

Fists pounded the table in agreement.

“I’ll postpone my departure,” Track said. “I don’t need to leave for Montana yet.” He looked at his dad, Raul. “Right?”

The VP shook his head. “Tina isn’t sleeping at night. She’s afraid Bruno will catch on to our plan and whisk Brynne out of the country. I need you there, son, if only to give Tina peace of mind.”

“Raul’s right. Stick to the plan.” Storm lifted his beer to his lips. “We’ll handle the Vipers.”

Track’s gaze rounded the table. “I should be with you, brothers, to have your backs. But my dad is right. With Brynne’s graduation getting close, anything could go wrong. Damn, I wish I could be in two places at one time.”

“Don’t we all,” Storm muttered.

Hero raised his hand like he was in elementary school. “Think we can spare Ryder?”

Storm hiked a dark brow. “What do you mean?”

“Ever since Ryder saw Willow at the wedding, he’s been a grumpy shit. He needs some time away, a distraction.”

“We don’t need four men in Montana,” Storm told Hero.

Our SAA wasn’t stupid. I could tell he had an idea.

“I already talked to Cash. He’s ready to come home and get patched in.” Hero folded his hands on the table. “He didn’t enroll for the spring semester like you told him to do. He’s bored. He and Espada are getting on each other’s nerves.”

“Tough shit,” Storm growled.

“We don’t need Ryder here, but we could use Cash, especially if we’re going to war with the Vipers.” Hero wouldn’t let it go. When the man had his mind made up, nothing changed it.

Storm flicked his gaze at Raul. “Well?”

“Bring Cash home. Track will work Ryder hard while in Montana. The time away might help the kid forget the girl.”

Hero snorted. “I doubt that. She’s all he talks about. He’s driving Tara and me nuts.”

“Fine.” Storm relented, which was unprecedented. Having a wife and baby had changed him in short order. He was still short-tempered and a hard-ass; he just listened to reason more easily. “Make sure he’s ready to go in the morning with Track.”

Hero raised his chin. “He’ll be ready.”

It was time I cut in. “I need two men with me out at Ava’s. Her nana refused to come to the compound. I’m staying at the house.”

Shocked expressions appeared on my brothers’ faces.

“What?” I growled. “It’s no secret I’ve been spending a lot of time with her. She’s my woman and needs protection.”

“When did she become your woman?” Dodge asked. “I didn’t know you were seeing her. She’s your texting buddy, right?”

“So you finally told her how you feel,” Wolf muttered.

Tags: Naomi Porter Knight's Legion MC Romance