Page 19 of Defiant Dodge

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“I’m sure she is.” Compassion appeared in his expression. “When I’m not here, be careful, okay? Don’t answer the door.”

“What? You think someone is just knocking on doors and stealing kids? Besides, with the alarm and cameras you put on the doors and windows, I’m sure there’s nothing to worry about.” The simple act of him telling me to be careful made my blood pressure spike.

He sighed, dragging his hand along his cheek. “I won’t take any chances. Nobody knows what these people are capable of. The detective said Simon was the second boy to go missing this month.”

“Oh my God.” I covered my mouth as my stomach flip-flopped.Forget about breakfast.

Dad came toward me and kissed my head. “I do love you, Em. Dante too.” He kissed my son’s head, catching me by surprise.

I shook my head and stepped back. “If you want to be part of Dante’s life, take me back to Minnesota.”


“If you ever touch him again…”

He narrowed his eyes. “You’ll what, Em?”

I had no idea what I’d do.

He took a step toward me. “You can’t keep him locked away in your bedroom forever. He’ll learn to talk before you know it. He’ll ask questions.”

I gaped. “Are you admitting you’re going to keep me from ever leaving?” Jesus, had he truly lost his mind? “You’re no better than the Dirty Hunters who took me and the others.”

His face turned red. “Watch yourself.”

“My God, Dad. I was sure you’d eventually see how wrong all this is. Who in the hell are you?” I yelled, making Little D cry. “Do you actually believe Mom would be okay with this? She would be appalled. And she’d hate Tami, the skanky bitch!”

His hand flew at me fast as lightning.SLAP, it struck my cheek.

I yelped, stumbling to the side and catching myself with one hand against the counter, the other protected Dante’s head. My baby boy’s frightened cries pierced my eardrums.

“Shit, I’m sorry, Em.” Dad reached for me, but I shuffled back. “Your mouth is getting out of line, but I shouldn’t have hit you.”

Tears pooled in my eyes as I pressed my hand to my red-hot cheek. He’d never hit me before. And with the baby in my arms? Any respect I might’ve had left for him was gone the second he assaulted me.

Little D’s cries grew louder. “Shh, baby. You’re safe. Momma will protect you from the evil man.” I glared at my sperm donor and gently bounced to soothe Dante.

Dad gripped his head. “I can’t with you anymore.”

“Good. I want nothing to do with you.”

He went to leave but stopped at the doorway. “I have shit to do today, so if you think of trying to leave, don’t. The house is being watched.”

I gasped, choking on my own spit. “What?”

“That’s right. I don’t trust you after that stunt you pulled with Piper Knight.” His hatred wrapped around Piper’s name. “Think I wouldn’t find out your friend’s real name? I still have connections, even if I’m not in the MC.”

Shock must’ve been on my face, because he smirked.

“Be a good girl.” He went to his bedroom.

With my heart in my throat, I rushed to the living room window. Tears streamed down my face as I took in the heartbreaking scene. Two cop cars were parked in front of Angie’s place. News reporters were on the sidewalk. I should bolt out the front door and beg for help, accuse my father of kidnapping.

But I couldn’t.

What if they didn’t believe me?

I didn’t want him to go to jail, though he deserved to after how he treated me.

Tags: Naomi Porter Knight's Legion MC Romance