Page 50 of Effing Eli

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Oh God, he did not go there. Could I crawl into a hole now?

Owen froze at Eli’s harsh command. “Excuse me? Why the fuck not?”

“Language,” Mona snapped. “But yes, why not, Elias?”

Eli cringed, hearing his birth name. He hated being called Elias.

“Are you pregnant?” Cai asked first.

Owen pulled back and dropped his gaze to my stomach. All the brothers and Mona did the same.

Eli and I stared at each other.

“I thought you two just got reconnected?” Griff elbowed Eli, tearing his attention off me.

“A couple of weeks ago.”

“You got her back into your bed that fast?” Dylan chuckled, and Marc hit him upside the head.

“Don’t tease them. If Autumn is pregnant, she’s here to stay.”

“She’s here to stay whether she’s pregnant or not,” Eli snapped at Marc. “Come on, Boo. I’ll get you a club soda with a twist.” He wrapped his arm around me and we went up the stairs.

Mona’s hushed voice made the hairs flare on my arms. She was likely scolding the guys. They were never too old or big for an ass chewing.

Eli took me into his uncle’s study and closed the door. He cradled my face in his large hands and kissed me. “Are you okay? They’ll settle down now. They were just excited to see you.”

“I’m fine. A little rattled since you spilled the beans that I might be pregnant. Nice going, by the way. Now they’ll hover over me.”

He shot me a panty-melting grin. “They’ll treat you like a queen. Prepare to be spoiled.” He kissed me again, and I embraced the quiet.

I adored Eli’s wild, nosy family. I truly did. They werecomfortable chaos, just like the city I loved.

I broke the kiss. “We should go back out. They’ll be looking for us.”

“Okay. Once Gwen and Wilson get here with Cadie, the noise level with blow through the roof and all the attention will be on Cadie. She can be a handful.” He winked with twinkling eyes.

“I look forward to meeting her and getting the attention off me.”

“Nobody could ever ignore you, Boo.” His hand went to my stomach. “I love you, Autumn. I’m so damn happy. The happiest I’ve been in ages.”

My heart swelled with love for him. But dammit if I wasn’t still cautious.

He kissed my nose. “Don’t say anything. When you give me the words, our future will be sealed forever.” He opened the door and took my hand to rejoin the others.

Silly man, it had already been sealed the day I saw him in the library. We’d just somehow gotten off course. Him with his career and me with wanting a family. A big family, like his.

It shouldn’t surprise anyone we were back together. Soul mates were forever. Even when lost to each other for a spell, they were never truly apart. They only fell dormant until the first spark crackled between them. Then everything wonderful and magical they once shared came back to life.

I wanted more than anything for this to be our second chance at forever. The more I was with Eli, the more he showed me he was all in. And I dared to hope again.

But would he agree to move back to Manhattan so we could be close to our families? His new position at SJI was huge for his career. His family might be wealthy, but each of the kids was raised to make his own way in the world. They didn’t get to live off Lloyd and Mona’s money. And they all thrived and were successful in their lives.

God, I hoped Eli wanted to move back. The thought of having my first baby while living on the West Coast made me sad. I wanted our child to know their grandparents, uncles, auntie, and five boisterous cousins. And, of course, little cousin, Cadie.

Family meant everything to me. I prayed it meant as much to Eli as well.


Tags: Naomi Porter Bad Boys We Love Erotic