Page 53 of Lifeguard Leo

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But posting videos about our lives wasn’t all Red and I did. We both wanted to make a difference in the world for our son and others. So we used our newfound YouTube clout as influencers for good. After Red’s best friend Erin’s life was cut short because of a drunk driver, she wanted to join MADD—Mothers Against Drunk Driving—and I joined with her. We were involved with other nonprofits, but we didn’t overextend ourselves because Oliver, Oli, as we called him, was our highest priority.

“What’s with the stupid grin?”

I turned toward Chris’s voice. “Just happy, man.” I opened my arms and inhaled the sea breeze. “Life is spectacular.”

Chris laughed. “You’re a crazy son of a bitch.”

I pointed at him. “Hey, language. Oli will be here any second.” I checked the time on my watch. Red was dropping by the beach with the baby and Laney. Laney and Chris hit it off six months ago at the baby shower our mothers threw for us. Both sets of parents were thrilled to be grandparents. It shocked the hell out of me. My dad and mom were always calling and asking for pictures of Oli. Red was better at sending them than me. I was glad my parents seemed to adore Oli. Maybe they would be better at the grandparent gig than they were being parents.

“Hey, he’s not around yet. I wouldn't talk like that around my godson. Red would have me by the balls if I did.”

I chuckled, soaking up the sunrays. “She would. Not to mention Laney would back her.” Laney and Chris were Oli’s godparents, and they loved my little man almost as much as Red and I.

“True dat.” He jerked his chin to the left. “There they come.”

I zeroed in on my wife and made a beeline for her. It’d only been six hours since I saw her and Oli, but I missed them like crazy just the same.

“Hey, baby.” I went in for a kiss and smothered Red. Then I peeked under Oli’s bucket hat to see his cute face. He gave me a slobbery smile and squealed. The kid melted my heart every time. “Hey, Oli. How’s my boy?” I made dorky baby sounds and kissed his cheek over and over. He was hanging off of Red’s chest in one of those baby wraps, which he loved. I couldn’t blame him, getting to be so close to his milk supply.

“Enough already, you’re drawing attention.” Chris snorted as he wrapped his arms around Laney and kissed her. “How’s it going, Scar? My godson giving you hell yet?”

Red shoved Chris’s arm. “Language. Oli is perfect. A little needy like his daddy, but I manage.” She puckered her lips and I accepted the invite.

Chris whispered something in Laney’s ear, making her laugh. “Well, I’m starving. Let’s blow this joint.”

“What are you hungry for, beautiful? Seafood or Mexican?” I tucked Red into my side and guided her to the tower so I could collect my things.

“You.” She lowered her voice and said, “And be ready because I’ve been very horny all day.”

I stared at her. She wasn’t teasing. Having an active sex life was a bit of a challenge with an infant, but I thought we were doing all right.

“I’ll be ready. But what about Oli?”

She lifted up on her toes to whisper in my ear. “Laney said she and Chris could watch him for a few hours after dinner. What do you say?” She pulled back with a pouty lip.

Red knew I didn’t like leaving Oli with a babysitter, or even his godparents or grandparents. He was only four months old. But now she was making doe eyes, and I couldn’t say no to her.

“Just for a few hours. I’ll take you to a hotel so they can stay at the beach house.”

“You read my mind. I already reserved a room.”

“So you knew I’d agree to leave the baby with Chris and Laney?”

Her cheeks turned pink. “I was hoping you’d agree.”

I lifted her hand and kissed her diamond wedding ring. It was large with emeralds around it. Red had been stunned when I placed it on her finger, insistent she didn’t need such an expensive ring, but nothing was too good for my Red. We’d had a small, intimate ceremony on the beach behind our home, just friends and family at sunset on New Year’s Day. It was romantic, and Red was radiant in her pregnant state.

“Hi, Leo,” a woman said and wiggled her fingers. She was in a skimpy bikini. This was the part I didn’t care for anymore when I lifeguarded.

I curled my arm around Red and patted Oli’s bum. “Hey.” I nodded at the woman I didn’t know, then turned my attention to my wife. Women still flirted with me, but I didn’t show them an ounce of interest. It was easy to do because I was deeply, unequivocally in love with my wife. I wouldn’t do anything to betray Red or risk losing her and my son. I wasn’t my father.

I was a devoted husband and father and damned proud to be both.


Leo carried me into the honeymoon suite. He never tired of having me in his arms, even with the extra ten pounds I had yet to lose after giving birth to Oli. When I was as large as a whale—and that was no exaggeration, though Leo would deny it—he could still somehow carry me.

“Wow, this is nice.” He set me on the bed. “Champagne and strawberries?” Leo hiked a brow.

Tags: Naomi Porter Bad Boys We Love Erotic