Page 39 of Lifeguard Leo

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“We better go before you get carried away.”

I laughed. “Me? You’re the one who’s wet, baby. I can smell you.”

“Shut. Up.” She giggled into my neck and bit me. “You can’t watch me anymore. I couldn’t concentrate with you sitting six feet behind me. Dirty, delicious thoughts were running through my head.”

“Hmm, I want to hear all about them.” I put her on her feet. “Get your things so we can go. Chinese or Thai tonight?”

“Thai.” She grabbed her tote bag and clicked off the lights as I followed her out of the building. Red beamed as she looked at me. Dancing made her happy, and that was all I wanted for her.

I helped her into the Jeep, kissing her a little. I got behind the wheel and pulled out of the parking lot with Red’s hand in mine.

Life was better than I ever thought it could be. Friday, she was going to work with me, and I hoped it was uneventful.



HIS HANDS SKIMMED over my naked back and down my ass. Morning had arrived much too fast. By the time I got to Leo’s last night after working at Club R, it was after two in the morning. We had sex, of course. We could never get enough of each other.

“Mmm,” I hummed as he nestled between my legs, taking me from behind.

“This is your wake up call, Red.” His warm breath on my ear sent a shiver down to my core. “Are you ready for me?” His finger brushed across my entrance. “Fuck. Slick as ever. Raise your ass a little, baby.”

I did as requested, and he slid right in with little resistance. For as much sex as we had, it wasn’t surprising. I hadn’t had any issues taking in his girth for several days.

“Oh my God, woman. I never get tired of being inside you. Never.”

I smiled because I knew how he felt. “This is the best way to wake up in the morning.”

“If you moved in, I could wake you this way every morning.”

I didn’t respond. Leo knew I wanted to go slow, though it didn’t feel like we were with how much time we spent together. He had effectively wrapped himself around my heart in one week, and I doubted he would let go any time soon, if ever.

He picked up his speed, driving me higher and higher until we shot off together. My orgasm hit and Leo pulled out, catching his own release in a hand towel.

It bugged me that he made sure not to come in me. I had an appointment with my gynecologist next week. It was her earliest available appointment. I’d ask about birth control while there. In the meantime, I guessed this was our routine.

Leo flipped me onto my back and covered me with his body. “I need to get ready for work. Why don’t you sleep a little longer and just come out to the beach for lunch? Bring us some burgers or something.” He kissed my cheek.

“You got it.” I covered my mouth as I yawned.

“Yeah, I want you to rest. You’re looking a little worn out. Too much sex, you think?” He hiked an eyebrow.

“Yeah, I don’t think so.” I gyrated my hips, showing him I could go again.

“Damn, you’re every man’s dream girl.”

“But I’m only yours.”

“Fuck yeah, you’re only mine.” He kissed me again. “Okay. Sleep, Red. I’ll see you in a few hours. I’ll leave money for the burgers on the kitchen counter. Chris will have anything that’s a double, extra everything.”

I laughed. “Okay.”

Leo dashed off, and I rolled to my side and fell back to sleep.

The beach wasn’t packed like it was the day of Erin’s funeral two weeks ago. The kids were back in school, but the beaches would fill up over the weekend. I enjoyed the milder temperatures September brought. Even though I didn’t want to live in Montana, I still missed the fall colors.

I trudged through the sand toward Leo’s tower, lugging my beach bag and an insulated lunch bag I picked up at Target before buying the burgers. As much as I was at Leo’s, I wanted to buy my own toiletries to keep at his place. It might be presumptuous of me, but in my gut, I knew we were going to work out.

Tags: Naomi Porter Bad Boys We Love Erotic