Page 29 of Lifeguard Leo

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When I entered the building, I didn’t feel the usual surge of energy. Nothing seemed different. Most of the regulars were happily drinking and laughing. The vibe was the same as it had always been.

But it was me. Since meeting Red, I’d changed. Christ, seemingly overnight, this woman had me thinking about the future… with her. It was crazy. I should be partying, living it up. Instead, I felt depressed and withdrawn from my friends. I went to work and straight home—until today.

At the bar, I sat on a stool and smiled at Dave’s wife, April.

“Hey, Leo. What can I get you?”

“House IPA. Dave’s got you working today, huh?”

She laughed, placing the bottle in front of me. “I missed him. Thought I’d drop in tonight. How’ve you been?”

“I’m all right.”

“Yeah? You don’t look all right.”

April was a sweetheart. I could see why Dave fell in love with her. She treated people kindly and didn’t bullshit anyone. So I wouldn’t lie to her.

“I could be better. Life’s been a bit of a drag lately.” I shrugged a shoulder and took a long pull of my beer.

“Dave mentioned the conversation you two had last week.” She leaned against the bar, her eyes filled with understanding. “Your shit week is because of a woman, isn’t it?”

I sighed and dropped my head, bobbing it. “She has me questioning everything I thought I wanted and didn’t want, and I only just met her. I haven’t seen her in six days either, and I’m climbing the walls. Shit like this doesn’t happen to me.”

April smiled softly, knowingly. “It does when you meet someone special. I knew the day I met Dave, he was the one. He fought it at first, thinking the bachelor's life was all he wanted. But I knew better.”

“Red is fighting too. She kicked me out of her place and has been out of town all week.”

April hiked a brow. “Her name is Red? Interesting.”

“No. She won’t tell me her real name.” I guzzled my beer, feeling a bit angry and frustrated now. I knew nothing about this woman I seemed to be enamored with, and it irritated me that she wouldn’t tell me her name.

April’s eyes widened. “So you call her Red because her hair is red?” She peered around me, looking at the crowd, I assumed.

“Yeah. And the most stunning green eyes I’d ever seen. Why wouldn’t she give me her name? Or a phone number? I’m not a bad guy. Well, notthatbad. Hell, I guess it serves me right for being a player for so goddamn long.” I looked up at April, who seemed to be watching something behind me. “I just want to see her.”

“Turn around.” She pointed.

A weird flutter in my gut appeared, and I froze.

“You are not easy to track down.” Red hopped up on the stool beside me. “Some guy named Chris gave me a list of all the places where you hang out. This place was last on the list. I’m exhausted.” She pulled her long mane over one shoulder, biting on her lip with uncertainty in her green depths.

“Can I get you something to drink?” April asked Red while I stared stunned at the woman I couldn’t get out of my head.

“Rum and Coke would be great, thanks.” Red turned toward me and grimaced. “You don’t look happy to see me. I knew it was a risk finding you. But I needed to so I could move on. I’ll drink this and be gone.”

“Shut up, Red. You’re rambling.”

She furrowed her brow and gaped. Those freaking pink lips. “Rude.”

I ignored her and went in for the kill, crushing my lips to hers. I groaned, devouring her in front of everyone. “Jesus Christ, I missed you.” I curled my tongue with hers. When she hooked her arm around my neck, I dragged her onto my lap, and our kiss exploded.

“Whoa, what do we have here?” Dave’s voice cut through the most enthralling kiss I’d ever had. I didn’t want to stop, not after finally having Red in my arms again and her kissing me back. But we shouldn’t be making out like this at the bar.

“This is Leo’s friend, Red,” April said with amusement in her voice.

“Red? Interesting name.”

Red and I both laughed into each other’s mouths. She pulled back and looked me in the eyes. Hers sparkled like emeralds and were dilated. “My name is Scarlett, Scarlett Smith.” She fluttered her long lashes and smiled, cheeks pink.

Tags: Naomi Porter Bad Boys We Love Erotic