Page 98 of Vicious Lies

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Once he’s got it positioned to his liking, he straightens his back. “Sure. Ride with him there and ride me later.” I can see his wink, even through the holes in my mask, and it makes my stomach flip-flop.

“Let’s go.” I grab Crew’s hand, laughing as we talk down the hall. It’s when we reach the top of the stairs that guilt sets in. I shouldn’t be laughing. I shouldn’t be having any fun.

“Hey,” Crew says, squeezing my hand in his, “everything’s gonna work out.”

I nod in response, and once Jagger catches up, we all go downstairs and leave together.

Since we got a good six inches of snow over the last forty-eight hours, I opt for my heavy winter coat and pass on the helmet because I spent way too much time on this hair and makeup. It’s not something I do often, so there’s no way in hell I’m letting it be for nothing.

Ten minutes later, we’re pulling up to the athletic center and the place is already hopping. All three of us walk in together, Crew on one side of me and Jagger on the other. Sure, we turn a few heads because people have been talking, but since when do I give a shit what anyone thinks of me? The way I see it, these bitches are just jealous because I have two of the three guys they all want.

This dance is more on the traditional side of our gatherings. It’s put on and funded by The Academy versus our keg parties at The Ruins. While technically, we’re not supposed to drink, I’ve already heard rumors of someone spiking the punch.

“I’m gonna look for Riley,” I tell the guys, and even though they nod in agreement, they both follow me. That’s what happens when you’re being stalked by a psycho, and it’s Halloween.

As soon as I spot her, she’s full-on running toward me in a pair of four-inch heels and a formfitting red dress. “You’re here.” She beams, throwing her arms around me.

“And you're drunk.” I wave my hand in front of my nose, sweeping away the intoxicating scent of vodka.

“Little bit. But it’s Halloween.” Her hands fly in the air as her eyes surf the room.

I press my hands to her shoulders, taking in her outfit. “What is this? I thought you said you were the Princess Bride?” She’s got the color right, and the gold ribbon belt, but the length is all wrong.

“I'm a slutty Princess Buttercup.” She points across the room, and I glance in the direction to where Elias is standing. “And over there is my Westley.”

He’s at the punch bowl, a cup in his hand, and when he catches us looking at him, he raises it in cheers. He actually got the costume right with the black outfit and matching eye mask.

Crew and Jagger are engaging in small talk, when a strange feeling washes over me. It’s not just the feeling that someone is watching me, but that someoneactually iswatching me. Riley keeps talking and I nod in response to everything she says as if I hear each word, but I can’t help but glance at the figure to my left, who is just standing there, with his eyes on me. He’s dressed up as Darth Vader and his costume is on point. Probably one of the best here.There’s something alluring about him. A mystery I want to solve.

“Scar. Did you hear anything I just said?”

I look back at Riley, my stomach curling. “Don’t look,” I grit through my teeth, “Darth Vader to the left.”

Of course, her eyes snap right to him, and when they do, he comes our way.

“Holy shit. He’s coming over here.” I tug Riley’s arm, wanting to get away because something feels off, but the new Riley shines through, bright and bold.

She stands tall, arms crossed over her chest, while giving herself a cleavage boost. “Who are you?” she deadpans.

The guy lifts his hand to his mask and pulls it back slowly, revealing the one person I did not expect to see tonight.

“Neo? What are you doing back? Please tell me Maddie has been found.”

He shakes his head no, washing away any sliver of hope I had in this moment. “No. But we’re close. We found something out, and I think this information will lead us right to Maddie. We can’t talk here, though.”

I look around the room in search of Crew and Jagger. As if Neo knew exactly who I was searching for, he says, “They’re outside. Follow me.”

Riley and I share a look, and I can’t shake this chilling feeling. Her calm demeanor tells me she’s feeling anything but. Then again, she’s drunk, so I wouldn’t expect her to be on high alert. Maybe that’s what I need—a stiff drink.

When we reach the doors, Riley glances behind her, and I do the same. Elias is still at the punch table, watching us as we leave. Hopefully he doesn’t get suspicious of Riley and me following Neo outside. The last thing we need is the student body catching wind of what’s actually been going on. I’d imagine all hell would break loose and parents would be picking up their kids. In which case, we’d never catch this guy.

Neo pushes open the double doors and the cool night air slaps me in the face. As he said they’d be, Crew and Jagger are waiting outside, both leaning against their snowmobiles.

We all gather around while Neo prepares to share what he found. Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out a paper, or two, and begins unfolding them. He hands them to Jagger first. I watch his face attentively as he reads it over, flipping to the other page.Eyes wide, mouth agape, he passes them to Crew. My heart is prepared to flee from my chest. I wave my hand in the air, rushing this along. “What is it?”

Crew draws his fingers to his mouth, then passes them to me. At first glance, I’m stupefied. I can’t read it fast enough, but as I do, chills break out over my entire body. I flip the page, and it’s even more revealing than the last—it’s a death certificate.

“Oh my god.” I choke, taking in a lungful of cold air.

Riley snatches the papers from me, and we all look at her, waiting for her reaction.

“No.” Her head shakes, eyes on the first page. “No. This can’t be.”

She turns to the next page, then peers up at me. “Elias Stanton is dead!”

Tags: Rachel Leigh Romance