Page 76 of Vicious Lies

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“Come on.” He lifts me up, and when I flop around like a fish, he stands, grabs me by the waist, and throws me over his shoulder.

I’m upside down, my chin pressed to his back. “Why are you being nice to me?”

When he tosses me on the bed with force, I laugh. “I take that back.”

“I could always throw you back down on the floor and leave you.”

I’m curled up against the headboard and he grabs my foot, pulling me down so that my head is resting on the pillow. “I feel weak, Neo.”

“Stay here. I need to get my phone and call the guys.”

“No!” I blurt out. “I don’t wanna worry them.” I pat the mattress beside me. “And I don’t wanna be alone. Stay with me. Please.”

I can't believe what I’m saying. In a strange turn of events, it seems I’d rather be in Neo’s presence than die. At least, high me would. Who would have thought?

Neo looks around the room, and it’s strange because he seems uncomfortable. It’s not often I get that vibe from him, if ever.

With a deep inhale, he sits on the corner of the bed and says, “Go to sleep so I can leave.”

I shift to my side and curl my legs up. “You’re so charming.” My eyes blink a few times and while my body is telling me to sleep, my mind is still wondering if this is all a fucked-up dream. “Did someone come in here?”

“Yeah, Scar. Someone did come in here and he got away. What the fuck kind of pill did you take?”


“You took a sleeping pill?”

“Mmhmm. Jagger left it for me.” Only the slits of my eyes show and everything around me is hazy as I pat the mattress beside again. “Tell Jagger to come here.”

Neo grabs me by the shoulders, pinning my back to the mattress. “Snap out of it. Jagger isn’t here.”

My eyes shoot wide open. “Where’d he go?”

Now holding a glass of water, he shoves it in my face, but I turn my head. “I don’t want another pill.”

“Just drink the goddamn water. In fact, you might wanna eat something. I can guarantee whatever you took was not a sleeping pill.”

His words raise red flags in my head, and I feel myself suddenly snapping out of whatever trance I was in, yet my brain is still a thick blanket of fog. “What was it?” I scoot up, taking the water from him and pressing the glass to my lips.

“Did he actually hand it to you and watch you take it?”

I shake my head no, splashing water over my face. After I wipe the back of my hand across my mouth, I tell him, “He left it on my nightstand while I was in the shower.”

“Son of a bitch! I bet that fucking creep was in here all night. Probably switched out the pill for something else. Wouldn’t surprise me if he watched you in the shower.”

My pulse races. “You think he watched me?”

“If he was here, I’m sure he did. No one would pass up that opportunity.”

Was that a compliment coming from Neo?

I’m processing things slowly when I remember he said something about food. “Don't leave me to go get food.”

He glares at me from one eye. “I’m not fucking leaving you. Get some sleep and the guys and I will handle this.”

“Yeah,” I laugh, “same way you handle everything else.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

Tags: Rachel Leigh Romance