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“Miss Trean? No indeed, I have not.”

“And why should you not? She would be quite able to mix with those of the lower classes, would she not? What is her situation?”

Patrick tried to remember.

“I believe that she is from a good family – the lower gentry, of course.”

There was no particular reason why he should not offer her the opportunity to join the Ball for a short while, given that those in her class and situation would be present, but Patrick found himself reluctant to do so. It was as if he wanted to make certain that she was quite safe at all times and that, in permitting her to come to the Ball, he would not be able to do so. Anyone might speak to her, might attempt to take advantage of her – such as Lord Kingston, for that matter. His jaw jutted forward.

“Ah, you wish to keep her entirely for yourself. I see it now.”

“That is not the case.”

Patrick spoke harshly but Lord Hogarth only laughed.

“Well, if you do not wish to then I can have nothing to say against such a decision,” he replied, holding up both hands towards Patrick. “Ah, and now here is Lord Kingston come to join us!”

Patrick’s head swiveled around just as Lord Kingston closed the door behind hm.

“I bid you both good morning.”

He bowed towards Patrick and to Lord Hogarth, who immediately laughed aloud and bade him to come and join them.

“I do hope that you had a restful night,” Patrick murmured, a little surprised at the ball of anger which immediately ignited itself and began to roll around within him. “Lord Hogarth and I were just discussing the Ball.”

“And whether or not Lord Addenbrook ought to invite the governess!” Lord Hogarth chuckled but Patrick did not miss the flicker of interest which jumped into Lord Kingston’s eyes. He was quite certain that the only reason Lord Kingston agreed was due to the fact that he was more than a little interested in garnering the governess’s company – whether she wished it or not.

“I quite agree that you should, if there will be suitable acquaintances for her there,” Lord Kingston stated firmly as Patrick shook his head. “Miss Fullerton would be in attendance, would she not? And she is the companion to Lady Havisham so it would be more than suitable for a governess to attend also. It would be good for Miss Trean, I am sure.”

“Addenbrook does not wish to do so.” Lord Hogarth held up one hand in defense as Patrick shot him a hard look. “I speak only the truth! You cannot be angry with me for that.”

“Might I ask if there is any particular reason as to why you do not wish to?” Lord Kingston poured his coffee, averting his eyes from Patrick’s face. “I am sure the lady would be glad of –”

“Because I do not think that a governess ought to indulge in such things,” Patrick replied, firmly. It was not the truth, but it was an answer which would satisfy both gentlemen. “She has her duties, and I should not like her to be too fatigued for Henry come the morning.”

Lord Hogarth grinned and Lord Kingston chuckled.

“Or mayhap it is that you wish her to be in your company only,” Lord Kingston quipped as Patrick’s jaw tightened. “I did see her stealing into your study last evening. And you had the audacity to inform me that you had no interest in the lady whatsoever!”

Over Lord Hogarth’s screech of laughter, Patrick tried to speak.

“Miss Trean came to speak to me about a serious matter.”

“In her night things?” Lord Kingston laughed, as Lord Hogarth continued to roar with mirth. “That must have been very serious indeed.”

Patrick pushed his chair back, already growing weary of the conversationandof both gentlemen. Frustrated, he rose and turned away, having no interest in attempting to convince them otherwise. He did not want Miss Trean’s reputation to be blackened in any way, but it seemed that Lord Hogarth and Lord Kingston were determined to think of her quite poorly. Walking from the room, he found himself making his way towards the staircase which would lead to the schoolroom, suddenly determined to not only see but to speak with Miss Trean at once – although quite what he wished to say, Patrick was not yet sure.

The echoing laughter chased after him and with his jaw set, Patrick began to climb the staircase in search of the governess. The governess who would not leave his thoughts, would not remove herself from his mind and, it seemed, not from his heart either.

* * *

“Miss Trean?”

Patrick walked directly into the schoolroom, only to find Miss Trean turning back from the window, her eyes wide in surprise. She had a piece of chalk in her hand, her fingers white with the dust.

“My Lord.” It took her a few seconds to bob a curtsey. “Henry has just been taken by Jean to have something to eat. I allow him a short time to eat in between breaking his fast and luncheon, for it seems as though he is always a little hungry!”

She smiled but it was an uncertain one, wobbling at the corners as her blue eyes searched his. Patrick swallowed hard. Now that he had laid eyes on her, now that he was in her company, all the questions he had wanted to ask her seemed to fade from his memory.

Tags: Rose Pearson Ladies on their Own Historical