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“Mayhap you and I might begin a correspondence, Miss Gregory,” she said, as Honora nodded. “I – I do not think that I deserve any such kindness but –”

“Then you are not the only one, Lady Charlotte,” Lord Crampton interrupted. “Please, begin your correspondence at any time. Miss Gregory and I will be waiting.”

* * *


Lord Crampton reached forward and pulled Honora into a warm embrace, spinning around the room for a moment and making her squeal with laughter. The letter from her father, giving Lord Crampton permission to marry Honora, had arrived only a few moments before.

“I knew he would consent,” Honora replied, as Lord Crampton lowered her gently. She looked up into his eyes, her breath catching in her chest at the look in his eyes. “I never doubted it.”

“I did,” Lord Crampton confessed, a small, wry smile on his lips. “Honora, I want you to know that I have every intention of aiding your father.”

Honora blinked in surprise.

“What do you mean?”

“Financially,” came the reply. “I do not want him to be suffering destitution when I have more than enough! As you have told me, it is not his doing that he has fallen on such times and, if I can help him, then I shall. After all, I was once a man who knew very little of wealth and fortune. I understand the difficulties it can bring, when there is not enough - and I do not have any intention of permitting your father to endure such a situation any longer.”

The lump which came into Honora’s throat would not budge for some minutes, and it was all she could do to nod, her hand reaching up to brush along Lord Crampton’s cheek. In the fortnight since their betrothal, Honora had learned more and more about Lord Crampton’s character and had seen his continued determination to change from a prideful, selfish, arrogant gentleman into one who thought of others, who cared deeply and without reserve. And, in that time, Honora had also found her heart yearning for him all the more, having such a great and ardent affection that it could not be held back. Looking up into his gentle blue eyes, Honora found herself speaking without hesitation, her hand still resting on his cheek.

“I have come to love you, Crampton,” she said, softly. “Even in this, you show such a care, such an understanding and willingness to be of aid that my heart cannot help but love you.”

Lord Crampton did not answer her. Instead, he pulled her close, his hands at her waist, her arms about his neck. When he did speak, his voice was muffled, held close to the curve of her neck.

“I do not deserve your love, Honora,” he murmured. “I fear I still do not deserveyouand yet you offer me more than I have ever dreamed of.”

“As you do to me,” she replied, her fingers brushing through his hair at the nape of his neck. “Somehow, despite our difficult beginning, we have found a way to love and happiness which will, I am sure, continue through the rest of our years together.”

He smiled, leaned down, and brushed the lightest of kisses against her lips. “And I shall love you with all of my heart in each and every day of those years,” he told her. “My precious, beautiful Honora.”

Tags: Rose Pearson Ladies on their Own Historical