Page 48 of Accepted

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Somebody whooped, probably Thor.

“Wow, Papa, that’s how you dress down a commanding officer, eh?” Aiden whistled.

Papa smiled, but then looked carefully at the new men. “You’re all certain about your choice? This could be over in days or drag out for months. You all might be national heroes or lose your rankings, go to prison, or end up dead. I know it’s asking a lot of each of you.”

“Yes, sir,” they each said separately.

“Okay. Please stay here for debriefing.” He looked at the rest of the family. “You all are dismissed to your assignments. Aiden, in light of what happened this morning, let’s up our patrol squad. Also, find Hudson and get my boy home.”

“Of course, Papa.”

“Good luck prying him off his surfboard with his bikini babes,” Maddie teased.

Aiden laughed. “Only Hudson.”

Increasing the patrols would be easier with Braden and these new men, but still busy and stressful. Would Admiral Gusbane respond decisively or would he back off? And where was the youngest male cousin, Hudson? He was a YouTube extreme athlete sensation, brave, talented, and crazy.

At least they had a reprieve. For the minute. The world felt like it might be ending and there was an impending doom, even with the relief that Zander and his men hadn’t fulfilled their assignment and had in fact chosen the Deltas’ side. Braden didn’t know if he trusted Gusbane to stand down. They’d have to see on that one.

“You want to get out of here?” Maddie whispered in his ear.

“Yes, please.”

Braden and Maddie stood. He took her hand and they walked up the stairs and outside into the bright morning sunlight. A few family members streamed by, but everybody was in a hurry and seemed to be mulling over what had just happened.

Maddie directed him down to the lakeside and a pretty gazebo spot.

Braden couldn’t wait any longer. He wrapped her up tight in his arms and gently kissed her. He wanted to keep kissing, but he wanted her story first. “You had a story for me?”

She nodded, her blue eyes lit up, and wasted no time sharing. “Last night I was terrified I would have the nightmare again, but I could hear your voice saying, a lot of pretty words,” she smiled at him, “but mostly asking me to trust in my Savior. I prayed, but the nightmare still started when I fell asleep. I managed to get a prayer out during the nightmare and strip off the bloody, ripped white dress and see that underneath I was clean and shiny. I woke up on my knees.” She beamed at him. “I know because of you and all the inspiring and true things you said to me that I can not only be forgiven, but that Jesus will always help me if I turn to Him.”

“Ah, Maddie.” Pride and love filled him. Maddie was strong and incredible, but she still seemed to need and want him close.

She smiled up at him. “Then I prayed in gratitude and then for forgiveness. Then I prayed for you. I had no idea how we would reconnect. But you told me you would always be there for me, just like our Savior. I trusted that. Who knew He’d bring you to me so dramatically? With an elite SEAL team in tow to replenish our forces.” She winked.

He chuckled. “I’m just happy I’m here.”

Bending down, he took his time kissing her and enjoyed every second.

As the kiss ended, she framed his face. “Beautiful, buff, bad Braden. There’s nothing bad about you. Nothing.”

“That’s not my usual smart-alecky Maddie.”

“Nope. I don’t have to hide behind my snark anymore, but I’ll still be sarcastic more often than not. We all need a little humor.”

“Yes, we do.” He loved her teasing.

“And I’ll still beat you up if you get out of line, or maybe just for fun.”

“I hope you try. I’m ready for you now.”

She grinned but then grew serious. “I love you.”

Braden’s eyes widened at the serious proclamation. He looked into her blue eyes and could clearly read how deeply she loved him. “I love you, Maddie.”

“You’d better. You don’t want the thumping that will come if you ever ditch me.”

He smiled. “I’d give you permission to thrash me if that awful event ever occurred.”

Tags: Cami Checketts Romance