Page 143 of Accepted

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“Bye,” his voice was deep, throaty, and absolutely inspiring. If it wasn’t past midnight and Mama Porter or Braxton wouldn’t catch them, she’d be driving across town right now. “You have to hang up first,” he said.

Maryn laughed. “I feel like I’m back in junior high.”

“I didn’t have any gorgeous blondes asking me out in junior high.”

“They didn’t know what they were missing.”

He chuckled.

Maryn smiled. “Okay, I’m hanging up now.”

“Thanks. I couldn’t bring myself to do it first.”

“See you tomorrow.” She hit the end call button quickly like ripping off a Band-Aid then held the phone to her chest. Ah, Tucker Shaffer. She’d have sweet dreams tonight.


Maryn loved the way Tucker looked in a gray button down shirt left untucked over jeans and a navy blazer. His kind smile was the perfect contrast to his strong face and body and the flowing hair. She was smitten. He escorted her with an arm around her waist into the Beachfront Restaurant in the Jamaican Bay Inn. Maryn wore a red knee-length lace dress with strappy black and white checked heels. She leaned into Tucker.

Alyssa and Beck were already at the table. Maryn introduced Tuck and watched carefully as he shook her friends’ hands and exchanged greetings. He was bigger than Beck. She never thought she’d fall for a guy who was bigger than Beck as Beck had always seemed like this huge dude, but Tucker felt right to her.

“You’ve been in Honduras doing humanitarian work?” Tucker asked after the waiter took their drink orders and left them to peruse the menu.

“Have you heard of Jordan’s Buds?” Beck asked, his blue eyes focused on Tucker.

“Yes.” He smiled at Maryn. “Maryn’s been telling me about it, but I actually worked in an orphanage outside of Belize that you donate to. The Liberty Children’s Home. I remember reading about Jordan’s Buds on some plaques they have.”

“Oh, yeah? The director there is great, but it’s hard to see so many HIV positive children.”

Tuck nodded his agreement. “Do you always work with children?”

“Yes. The foundation is named after my brother. He was only eight when he died, so it fit.”

Maryn had never heard Beck talk about his brother. Alyssa caught her eye and lifted one shoulder.

“I’m sorry about your brother,” Tuck said.

“Thank you.” He cleared his throat and changed the subject. “Maryn has been bragging you up like you’re a superhero. It’s great to finally be able to get to know you a little bit.”

Tuck laughed and squeezed her hand. “I was excited to meet both of you as well. Especially the amazing A.A. I have some of your photos.”

“Thanks, but I want to hear about this bear attack.” Alyssa’s dark eyes sparkled. “I’ve heard Maryn’s rendition, but she was so dreamy about you she could barely tell me what happened.”

Maryn stuck her tongue out at Alyssa. Leave it to her best friend to make her look like a sappy sucker.

Alyssa glanced up at Beck, all twitterpated. They were a beautiful couple with their dark coloring. “It reminded me of when Beck saved me from a druggie on Maui.”

Beck grinned at her and stole a quick kiss.

“I’d rather hear that story,” Tucker said.

“Nope.” Alyssa shook her head. “We’re hearing about your heroics first.”

Tucker’s face reddened. He turned to Maryn and placed his arm around the back of her chair. “Maryn’s trying to make me into some hero, but she shouldn’t have even been out in that storm.”

Maryn arched an eyebrow at him and squeezed his knee. He jumped slightly. “That is not your fault and I have every right to call you a hero.”

He smiled down at her. They were lost in their own world when the waiter appeared and took their dinner order. Maryn told him she’d have the special, without any clue what the special was.

Tags: Cami Checketts Romance