Page 48 of Compromised

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Melene smiled. “What’s a new race?”

“In the water.” Tyrell pointed.

“You don’t know how to swim.” She pointed out the obvious. She’d tried to teach him, but she didn’t have the talent for teaching like Aiden did. Ah, Aiden. She could feel his hands on her as he instructed her to improve her swimming strokes, see him grinning at her.

She’d happily go into the ocean today, even if Tyrell’s swimming didn’t improve. The salty sea could welcome her like Aiden’s arms. Sadly, nothing compared to Aiden’s arms.

“I can’t swim,” Tyrell admitted. “But he can.” Tyrell pointed again, a huge smile on his cute face.

Melene pivoted and stared. She was shocked to see a man rising up out of the water. The exact man she’d been longing to see for the past two weeks. Chills popped up on her arms and her heart sped up. Was this real or a mirage?

Aiden took out his regulator and pulled his mask off his face. He had an oxygen tank on his back but no shirt on. His beautiful chest, shoulders, arms, abs, and the tattoo on his chest were on perfect display, glistening with drops of water and the sun shining off of him as if he really were Aquaman.

His blue eyes sparkled happily at her, and Melene’s stomach flipped over as her pulse took off at a gallop.

“Aiden!” she screamed.

She ran across the beach as he pushed toward her through the water. He slid the oxygen tank to the sand, dropped his other gear, and caught her in his arms.

He swung her around, then bent and kissed her. He tasted of salt and every good dream she’d ever had. He kissed her very, very thoroughly and Melene knew … she didn’t need a home base. She didn’t need anything but Aiden. Her Aquaman was her home. They could live in the ocean for all she cared. They’d work things out with their life callings, they’d carve out a future somehow, but most importantly, they’d have faith and savor every moment.

Could she convince him to give them a chance? If not, why was he here?

They pulled back to catch a breath. Melene could hear a lot of chattering and movement behind her at the camp. They were probably drawing a crowd, but she didn’t care. Aiden was here, and she wasn’t looking away from those blue eyes and that handsome face.

“What are you doing here? Did you set that up with Tyrell?” She had so many questions, and those two didn’t seem the most important after she spit them out.

He only grinned and cradled her in close. “I spent twelve long, miserable days aching for you,” he said and she trembled, her smile getting a little watery. “Then Jace and Thor both cussed me out and Thor gave me quite the speech.” He laughed. “Basically, he said to choose faith, not fear, and that you are my home. The rest will work out if we trust in God.”

Melene’s heart clutched. That was exactly what she’d been thinking.

“So I had Papa do his ‘I’m such an important ex-Admiral thing’ and I’m officially on extended leave from the SEALs and planning to follow you around like a puppy dog until there’s a mission that Jace can’t accomplish without me or the Delta family needs me to help protect the secret. But what matters most is that we’re together for as long as we can be and we figure out how to make it all work—”

Her body felt light and happy and she loved everything he said, but she had to stop him. “Now wait a minute. You have no idea how much I want my Aquaman following me around like a puppy dog.”

He winked. “It’ll be fun times.”

She laughed. “But Aiden, you love the SEALs and your team and Jace …”

“I do. But Melene, you’re more important than anyone else on this earth to me. Being close to you is the only home I’ll ever need.”

“Oh, my.” Tears sprang to her eyes, and she had to kiss him again. For a very, very long time.

When they pulled apart, she managed, “Thank you, Aiden. I …” She was crying, and she didn’t want to get caught up in the emotion. She never let herself get emotional, but this was her Aquaman. It touched something deep inside that he was saying the words she’d never dreamed he would say, and he definitely meant them. She loved him so much. “First of all …”

“You already did afirst of all,” he teased.

“Don’t you sass me,” she threw back at him.

He laughed and lifted her off the ground, spinning her around. “I love you, Melene Collier,” he called out.

The crowd cheered at that declaration.

Melene was so full of happy bubbles she was afraid she’d burst. He set her down and kissed her tenderly. “I love you, Aquaman,” she told him.

He grinned and then he asked, “Okay, I’ll stop teasing you. Second thing?”

“What on earth is the Delta secret? Some weapon?”

Tags: Cami Checketts Romance