Page 65 of Captivate

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It was something Lyon could use.

“Can I count on your support?” Lyon asked. “If things come down to the wire?”

Nico held his gaze, then held out his hand. “To the degree that we can help without compromising our position, we will.”

Lyon took his hand. “Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me,” Nico said. “The bratva has several areas of interest to us.”

He was talking mostly about petroleum, about oil. Almost all of it was imported from regions heavily controlled by the bratva. Russia had owned those companies for decades. Even a small piece of those imports would represent an enormous influx of cash for the Syndicate.

“I’d be happy to discuss it with you.”

“Good.” Nico started walking, and Lyon found himself moving back up the driveway, he and Ronan propelled alongside Nico Vitale almost without realizing it.

Lyon couldn’t deny it. The man had a certain kind of power about him.

“One more thing,” Lyon said. “Would you be willing to lend me a couple of men when I find Shapiev?”

“That’s Ronan’s decision,” Nico said.

“I can give you a few men in the interest of our future business dealings,” Ronan said.

“Thank you,” Lyon said. The last time he’d tried to eliminate Musa, he’d used Roman Kalashnik’s men out of New York. Lyon hadn’t yet been given the title of pakhan, and he hadn’t had enough manpower to do it himself.

Now, he thought about David Chaban, tied up and bleeding in the warehouse. As far as Lyon knew, no one knew he was there, which meant so far, his team was airtight.

Still, he didn’t like the idea of killing Musa with his existing men at his back. Trust took time to build, and Musa had been one of them, a respected member of the bratva, only a couple of months earlier.

Alek and Rurik were the only two men he trusted with absolute certainty.

The Syndicate’s men had no skin in the game. They would do as they were told by Ronan Murphy, and it was a relief to know Murphy would tell them to have Lyon’s back.

Now he just had to break Chaban.

Break him, find Musa, and kill him.


Kira walked into the penthouse and slipped off her shoes. Lyon had been silent all the way home, which had suited her just fine. She’d been thinking about Angel Vitale, relaying their conversation in her mind.

He cares about you…

Was it true? Kira still didn’t know.

She sighed with relief when her feet hit the floor. Radiant heating ran under all the floors in the penthouse, and it was always a pleasant surprise to find even the travertine warm, especially when it was so cold outside.

Lyon was still taking off his coat when she started down the hall to the living room. A fire danced in the fireplace, and the lights had been turned low. She sent a silent prayer of thanks to Zoya who, for all her brusqueness, always knew exactly what Kira needed.

She headed for the bar and grabbed two glasses.

“Drink?” she asked when she heard Lyon enter the room behind her.

“Please,” he said.

He’d been silent on the way home, and she’d resisted the urge to ask about his conversation with Nico and Ronan. It was enough that the conversation had taken place at all.

She had done that, and deep down Lyon knew it, whether he wanted to credit her or not.

Tags: Michelle St. James Romance