Page 39 of Captivate

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He’d just taken his first bite of the trout when she spoke.

“Your tactics are shortsighted.”

He almost choked. Of all the words he might have expected her to say, those were at the very bottom of the list.

He recovered quickly. “Pardon?”

“Your tactics.” She took a leisurely sip of wine and closed her eyes. Her tongue darted out between her lips. “Hmmm… this is very good.”

The sight of her tongue caused his cock to stiffen in his pants. He forced himself to remain still. “You were saying?”

She opened her eyes. “Hmmm? Oh, yes. Your tactics.” She waved dismissively at the space between them. “Your attempts at control. They’re a waste of time. We could be working together.”

“Tried it,” he said. “I’ll pass.”

“Ending aside, we made a serviceable team for your purposes,” she said.

“How so?”

She gave a little shrug, and he had to force himself not to look at the swell of her breasts as they moved with her shoulders.

“I know nothing of your business now, but I assume Borya is still with you.” She took a bite of the duck and moaned with pleasure.

He pressed his lips together, determined not to give her the satisfaction of knowing how the moan affected him, the image it conjured of her writhing under him as she came.

“And Michael and Luka,” she continued.

“And?” He forced himself to take a bite of the fillet, but his appetite had waned.

For food anyway.

Her smile was patronizing. “They’re with you because of me. We both know that. It was me who gathered their wives and sisters, who convinced them to sway the men to your side.”

“And you think that gives you a voice?” he asked.

“I admit, a voice might be a stretch given the current… situation. But surely we’re both better off as allies than enemies,” she said.

“What makes you think I see you as an enemy?” He reached into his pocket and hit the remote.

She let out a surprised gasp and lay her hands flat on the table, her eyes wide as she composed herself. She drew in a deep breath. “It’s obvious. Every move you make is made to punish me for leaving.”

“You misunderstand, Kira.” He kept his button on the remote while he spoke, grateful for the distraction of his own words. He didn’t want to think about what the vibrator was doing to her, about how much he wished it was his mouth, his cock making her want to come. “I’m simply returning to our original business arrangement, a necessary component of which is my command.”

He removed his finger from the button and she drew in a shuddering breath.

Her green eyes flared with anger. “You promised my father — ”

“I promised your father a voice,” he interrupted, leaning over the table. “That voice wasn’t a gift. It was an exchange, an exchange for you as my wife.”

“I was your wife.” She looked down at her hands. “I am your wife.”

“And is it customary for a wife to leave her husband in the dead of night? Is it customary for her to hide across the country while he undertakes the battle they agreed to fight together?”

She pressed her lips together. “No.”

He nodded his satisfaction. “So you see, the moves I make are designed to bring us back in line with our original agreement. Consider them a reminder of who is in charge.”

She met his gaze across the table. “And that includes manipulating my body?”

Tags: Michelle St. James Romance