Page 27 of Into the Fire

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Farrell raised his eyebrows. “Thatfargone?”

Damian’s nod was slow. “I’mafraidso.”

“All the more reason to be careful,” Farrell said. “What about thebrother?”

Damian appreciated that Farrell hadn’t judged him for his utter lack of reason when it came to Aria — not outwardly,anyway.

“Still underground,” Damian said. “Aria said he never showed his face in Greece — onlyGatti.”

“Does she know?” Farrell asked. “About Primo’s involvement in herkidnapping?”

Damian shook his head. “Not yet. She’s stillrecovering.”

He didn’t say the rest of it — that Aria had twitched and cried out in her sleep, that while she’d shown no sign of wanting to talk about what happened to her, Damian feared it would do lasting damage to keep such a traumatic experience bottledinside.

That was for himandAria.

Farrell rubbed the five o’ clock shadow on his chin. There was concern in his eyes. “I understand, but the longer you wait to tell her the truth the more it will seem like you were lyingtoher.”

“I know.” Damian wasn’t looking forward to the conversation. “Let me get her to Paris, give her a couple days torecover.”

“And after Paris?” Farrellasked.

It didn’t take Damian long to answer. After Paris, there was only one thing lefttodo.

“After Paris I take back New York,” Damian said. “For allof us.”

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