Page 38 of Irish Betrayal

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“I didn’t say it.” I look defiantly at him, daring him to go back now. “Doyouhave a safeword?”

“The same thing.” He runs a hand through his reddish hair, looking at me as if he’s never seen me before. “Saoirse—are you sure—”

“Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.” I look at him, my heart racing from the kiss, my lips already swollen, and I feel a rush of adrenaline, like when I’m on the back of his motorcycle.

Connormakes me feel like this. Like nothing I’ve ever felt before. We’re alone in this room, and no one will disturb us for the next few hours. No one will stop us.

All I have to do is keep my virginity. As for everything else--

“Are you going to keep stalling?” I ask him, meeting his uncertain gaze with my own. “Or are you going to shut up and do what you brought me here for?” I fist my hand in his shirt, pulling him closer. “I know you were hoping this would happen. That you’d dare me into this. So take advantage, Connor McGregor, and see if I’ll say the word.”

“You,” he says with a growl, both hands on my hips now as he pulls me against him. “are going to be the death of me.”

“Probably,” I tell him. “But if I had to guess, it’s how you want to go.”

“This isn’t you.” His mouth is close to mine again. “This isn’t the Saoirse I know.”

I tilt my chin upwards, pushing up on my toes to brush my lips against his. “Maybe, just for tonight, I’m tired of being her.”

“If I kiss you again, Saoirse—this night is going to go my way,” he warns. “I’ll teach you just what it means to be my submissive, here, in this room.”

My heart skips a beat in my chest, but I refuse to back down now. “Go ahead,” I whisper defiantly. “You gave me the safeword. Now try to make me say it.”

Connor makes a sound deep in his throat that’s almost a growl, his hands tightening on my hips, and then he’s kissing me again, and I know I’m lost.

In the end, it all boils down to one thing—I want to know what my limits are. I want Connor to test them. And I want to know if, when he strays from my bed, if it’s really because I don’t want to do the things that will please him or simply because he could never be satisfied with only one woman.

Even if it means knowing I’m not enough for him.

“What now?” I whisper, when he breaks the kiss. “What do you want from me?”

“Everything,” Connor growls. “But for now, we’re going to start with a punishment for lying to me the first night.” He brushes his thumb over my lower lip, looming over me, powerful and dominant with the darkest, most lustful look on his face that I’ve ever seen. It sends shivers down my spine, vibrating through my body as I tremble. “You’re a liar, Saoirse, a manipulative little girl with your daddy’s words rolling off your tongue like poisoned honey. But I have other uses for your mouth tonight.” His hand locks around my elbow, turning me towards the lacquered cabinet. “Remember what I said about choosing,” he whispers against my ear. “Maybe I’ll go with your choice—and maybe I won’t.”

He reaches out as he guides me over to it, opening the cabinet, and I see exactly what he means.

Lined up neatly in a row are various implements—a riding crop, a soft-looking leather flogger that I’m sure is anything but, a thin cane, and a few different paddles. One paddle is plain, another is covered in nubs, and a third has holes spaced through it. Below that, I see a drawer, and I lick my lips nervously. “What’s in there?”

Connor smirks and reaches down, opening it. It’s divided in two, and on one side are an assortment of what evenIknow are vibrators and dildos, and on the other, strangely shaped rubber and glass bulbs with bases of various sizes. I blink in confusion, and Connor catches it, smirking.

He holds one up. “Do you know where this goes, Saoirse?”

I’m not sure I want to, but I’m hardly about to quit already. I shake my head mutely, and he chuckles, reaching behind me to squeeze my ass. “Here,” he says, and I feel myself pale slightly.

“How the hell does that feel good?” I demand, and Connor laughs.

“Oh, trust me, Saoirse, it can be very pleasurable—especially if you’re filled with one of these and my cock at the same time. We can’t do that tonight, of course, but some women—”

I turn sharply towards him, my eyes flashing. “I have one rule, Connor,” I tell him flatly, and he looks at me, surprised.

“Of course,” he says affably. “What is it?”

“When we’re together—like this—tonight or any other night, I don’t want to hear about other women. I’ll give you the same courtesy, of course, if there—when there—are other men. When we’re together—it’s just you and I. Understood?”

Connor’s mouth twitches. “Of course,” he says calmly. “I apologize.”

The apology, for some reason, takes me aback. It seems out of character for what I’ve seen of him so far, this stubborn, arrogant, belligerent man. His face changes as the apology sinks in for me, darkening with lust as he places the object back in the drawer. “Are you going to choose?” he asks, pointing at the implements that I know he’s going to use to spank me. “Or should I?”

I know he might end up choosing anyway, as he’s warned me, but I want to at leasttryto have a say. I have a sudden flash of the spread-eagled woman downstairs, the crop wetly smacking against her pussy, and I feel a strange chill of fear and flush of arousal all at once. “Where are you going to spank me?” I ask in a small voice, and Connor smirks.

Tags: M. James Romance