Page 39 of Beloved Bride

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“Don’t bother lighting a fire,” Alexei tells the men standing behind him. “We won’t be down here long. Besides, I enjoy watching them squirm.” He motions for two men to come forward and points at Sasha, who is still holding onto Anika and Yelena. “Take the children upstairs. They don’t need to be here for this.”

My blood runs cold at that, my stomach twisting. I don’t know what Alexei has in mind, but if he’s actually having the girls removed, it can’t be good. My mind runs to all sorts of horrible places, but I force myself to do what I told Ana to and not think too far ahead.

“They stink,” one of the men complains, and Alexei narrows his eyes at him.

“Just get them upstairs,” he snaps. “You don’t have to clean them up. Just lock them in one of the bedrooms until I’m finished with the women. Then they can deal with the brats.”

“Yes, sir.” The two men stride forwards, and Sasha shrinks back instantly, her hands tightening on Anika and Yelena’s shoulders. Yelena is already beginning to cry again, and I can see the irritation plainly on the guards’ faces.

“Can’t they stay here?” Sasha asks, her eyes wide and frightened, and Alexei’s eyes narrow.

“Unless you want them to see things that children shouldn’t, no,” he growls.As if they haven’t already, today.“Get them upstairs, now!” he barks at his men. “If she fights back, give her a good slap. Nothing hard enough to bruise, just enough to sting.”

“Alexei—” I step forward, and he wheels, pinning me with that icy glare. I was already freezing, but even so, it feels as if the temperature in the room drops by a couple of degrees. “Let me go with them. They need to be bathed, and a change of clothes—”

“Fuck.” Alexei grimaces. “I swear to Christ, this is why I don’t bother with children. Look in the upstairs rooms,” he directs one of the men, the one currently reaching for Anika, who looks as if she might try to bite his fingers off. “See if there are any clean clothes for the brats. As for you—” he turns back to me, his mouth twitching in an evil smile. “You’re not going anywhere. In fact, since you decided to speak out of turn,tsarina, you can go first.”

Go first?My heart skips a beat in my chest, anxiety twisting in my gut. I have no idea what he’s talking about, but it can’t be good. The sound of him sayingtsarinamakes my skin crawl, reminding me of Viktor growlingprintsessaat me, but so much worse. This isn’t even sarcastic; it’s mocking, a reminder of my position and just how low Alexei plans to bring me.

“What are you talking about?” I manage, my mouth feeling as if it’s gone dry and stuffed with cotton. My hands are starting to shake from cold and nerves, but I do my best to stay still and unmoving, looking at him squarely as if I don’t fear him at all.

“Undress.” Alexei waves a hand at me. “Each of you, in turn, strip. So that I can see what I’m working with.”

Oh god.I hear Sasha make a small noise, see Ana shrink back as if she can hide behind Sofia. The men behind Alexei shift with anticipation, some of them starting to grin with almost predatory expressions.In front of everyone. I feel like I’m going to be sick.

Stripping naked in front of strangers would always have been something that made me feel sick to my stomach with anxiety. But now, when I’ve been so badly scarred, the thought is even worse. And I know it will affect Alexei’s plans for me.

“At least send your men out.” I swallow hard, forcing myself to keep speaking even though I know I’m probably only making him angrier. “They don’t need to appraise us, do they?”

Alexei frowns. “There you go again, telling me what to do,tsarina. What do I need to do to teach you just how bad of an idea that is?”

“Not telling you,” I say hurriedly, shaking my head. “Suggesting. We’re valuable assets, aren’t we? Do you think your buyers would like to know that mercenaries and low-level soldiers got to see the same flesh that they’re paying a premium for?”

I feel sick just saying it. But it makes Alexei pause. “Clear the room,” he says finally. “This isn’t a public show.”

“Boss, should we leave you unguarded—”

“Stay just outside the door,” Alexei snaps. “And don’t think I don’t know what you’re trying to do, sticking around to get a glimpse of these women. Keep the door shut, and I’ll call if I need you.”

The men nod, filing out, and I can see the looks of disappointment on their faces. I feel a small flare of triumph. I might be losing the overall war, but I’ve won this battle at least. I know how to reason with Alexei, how he thinks. I can’t help but think it will come in handy again.

The triumph is short-lived, however. I might have avoided having to strip in front of his entire security team and band of mercenaries. However, I’m still going to have to do it in front of Alexei. And there’s no getting out of it.

“Don’t make me wait.” Alexei’s voice drops an octave, full of a warning that I know better than to ignore.

I swallow hard, reaching for the hem of my t-shirt. I hadn’t been wearing anything special today—a t-shirt and jeans, barefoot in the house. I definitely hadn’t been prepared for this. I’m freezing, and the idea of takingoffmore clothing sounds awful.

“Hurry the fuck up,” Alexei growls. “We don’t have all night.”

I take a deep breath and strip off my shirt.

“All of it,” Alexei snaps. “Quickly. Let’s go,tsarina. Every bit.”

Just get it over with,I tell myself. I undo my jeans, pushing them over my hips and ignoring the gooseflesh that springs up over every inch of me as the cold attacks my skin. I reach for the clasp of my bra, quickly undoing it and letting it fall to the floor.

My panties are last. I don’t look at Sofia, Sasha, or Ana, feeling my cheeks flush at being naked, not just in front of Alexei but in front of them. I can feel them looking at me, wondering what Alexei will do to them, worrying anxiously about when it will be their turn.

I shove the black bikini panties over my hips and down my thighs, stepping out of them. I haven’t shaved since Viktor did it for me, and I see Alexei’s displeased look when his gaze flicks between my thighs.

Tags: M. James Erotic