Page 22 of Captive Bride

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My heart is racing so fast that I think surely Viktor must be able to see it, but not from desire. Not even entirely from fear. There’s a healthy dose of anger mixed in there too. Though none of that has kept me from being exactly where I knew I’d end up, on my back in the bridal bed, watching as my new husband approaches like a wolf stalking his prey.

Ussuri.That’s what his men call him, I’ve heard.The Bear.Bears don’t stalk. They attack. They savage, devour, tear apart their food before it’s even dead. Nothing about Viktor’s demeanor suggests that he plans to ravish me. He looks cold, calculated even, as he begins to undress.

I have to force myself to look away when he takes off his shirt. I don’t want to give him the satisfaction of seeing even a flicker of desire in my eyes. Unfortunately, my husband gives the termhandsomean entirely new dimension.

It’s the only word I can think of for him.Attractiveisn’t strong enough.Gorgeousorbeautifulsuggests a softness that he doesn’t have. No, Viktor ishandsomein the truest sense of the word. Everything about him is strong and sharp and dangerous, from his cutting cheekbones to his angular jaw, his ice-cold blue eyes down to the corded muscles of his arms and chest. He’s dark-haired, not blond as so many of the Russians are, with gray streaking his temples and shining in threads through his hair, catching the light when he turns a certain way. His chest is lightly furred with the same dark hair, not thickly enough to be unattractive. Despite myself, I see it and wonder how it would feel to the touch. Would it feel soft?

Most women want a handsome groom, not one that’s ugly, fat, or old. But I almost would have preferred that. I could have handled feelings of disgust or revulsion while my husband labored over me, thrusting his cock into me until he came as quickly as most men who don’t care for their wife’s pleasure do. But feelings of attraction, of desire even, for a man like Viktor?

That, I don’t know how to handle. And I don’t want to feel it.

My gaze is still turned away from him as he tells me how things will be in our marriage. And as he does, my heart begins to sink. My intentions to stay out of his bed after tonight, to put distance between us, are disappearing as quickly as my dreams of a life of freedom had after Franco’s funeral. My thoughts are racing as I hear his zipper come down, wondering what to do, how to make the best out of a situation that I can feel rapidly spiraling out of my control.

Just get through tonight.My motto lately, it seems.One day at a time. One night at a time. And if he forces you or hurts you, you can go to Luca.

I force myself to look back at my husband as he starts to take off the last of his clothing. To see who I’ve married in his entirety. And as his cock springs free, huge and thick, I feel both a stab of fear and a tremor of desire all at once.

My eyes widen; I can’t help it. I’ve never seen any man so big. Franco certainly wasn’t, and he was pretty much the limit of my experience. He’d been long and thin, curved slightly downwards, so that he never looked entirely hard. But Viktor’s cock is ramrod straight, so hard that I can see the throbbing vein running down the shaft as he starts to walk towards the bed, the swollen tip red and already pearling with his pre-cum.

He wants me.I can see the evidence of it right there, thick and eager for me, and it terrifies me. This isn’t a man who will be satisfied with one quick fuck to make it legal tonight. I don’t know how I’d ever thought he could be.

My heart starts to race again as he joins me on the bed, kneeling in front of me as his gaze rakes down my body. I’m still mostly covered—the corset covers me from my breasts to my hips, and my panties are still on, but the way he looks at me makes me feel as if I’m already naked. It sends shivers over my skin, making it prickle, and Viktor laughs softly.

“Cold?” he asks, and if I hadn’t been before, the sound of his icy voice would have chilled me to the bone. “I asked you a question,printsessa.”

How I hate the sound of that nickname already. It sounds mocking, to me, a reminder of my position as Vitto Rossi’s daughter and how I belong to Viktor now. How he claimed a mafia princess for his own simply by demanding it. He’s proud of himself. I know that now. Satisfied with his prize.

Well, I don’t intend to give him any more satisfaction than necessary.

Gritting my teeth, I look up at him defiantly, refusing to answer.

“There’s more fire in you than I thought,” Viktor says, sounding almost amused. He leans forward, his hands pressing against my thighs, and I feel the calluses on his palms scrape over my soft skin. It feels good—better than it should. Better than I want it to. I clench my teeth, forcing myself not to gasp when he pushes them apart, his thumbs pressing into the soft flesh of my inner thighs as he slides his hands upwards, moving to kneel between my spread legs.

“You look lovely like this,” he says decisively. “Spread out for me, like a bounty. Like a feast.”

For one brief, terrifying moment, I think he might go down on me. His gaze flicks hungrily down between my legs, and in my mind, I can’t stop thinking,please, please no.I know how good that can feel, and I don’t want to fight my reactions. I want this to be over quickly, for him to stop drawing it out. But Viktor doesn’t seem to be in any hurry.

His hands slide all the way up, reaching for the edge of my panties. His cold blue eyes flick over my breasts, the corset that’s pushing them up, and I can see the desire there. He pulls my panties down slowly, over my hips, and down my thighs, and when he tosses them onto the carpet next to the bed, he pushes my thighs open even wider. Baring me, exposing me. I can feel myself flush with the embarrassment of it, even as my body responds to his touch despite myself.

Viktor’s hands slide up my inner thighs again. “Let’s see that pretty pussy that I’ve bought for my pleasure.” His words make me flush even more.

“You make me sound like a whore, not a wife.” I turn my face away, not wanting to look at him as he touches me for the first time. His hand slides higher, his fingers delving between my folds, and he laughs as his fingers graze my entrance.

“Only a whore would be so wet for a man she claims not to want.” He thrusts two fingers inside of me roughly, and I bite my lower lip hard to keep from gasping. The sudden intrusion is slightly painful, but it also feels good. His fingers curl inside of me, and I feel a sudden pressure, a burst of pleasure, as he finds a spot that Franco never did in mere seconds of being inside of my body.

Slowly, he rocks his fingers inside of me, curling them against that spot as he rubs his fingertips against my inner walls. “Ah, yes, there it is. You can lie to me, my pretty wife, but your body can’t. You open like a flower for me, despite yourself. I can feel how wet you are for this cock.” He grips himself with his other hand, and I clench my teeth so hard that they feel like they might crack, trying to hold back any sort of reaction. A gasp, a moan, a squeak of pleasure.

I won’t give him the fucking satisfaction.

Viktor thrusts his fingers into me twice more, then pulls them free. My pussy clenches instantly, my traitorous body missing the fullness, the pressure of his hand.If his fingers felt like that, what will his cock feel like?I’m terrified to find out.

He reaches out, grabbing my chin and turning my face so that I’m forced to watch him as he raises his fingers to his mouth, his tongue running over them as he licks my arousal off. “You taste sweet,printsessa,” Viktor says, his voice deepening. His accent is thickening as his desire grows, his words rough and almost foreign, and I feel another shudder of combined arousal and desire.

No one ever told me how fear can feed desire, how adrenaline and arousal can go hand in hand. I’m terrified of the man kneeling naked between my legs. At the same time, I can feel the pulse of my heartbeat in my veins, throbbing with anticipation in the same way that his thick cock is. I can see it, and my heart starts to race as Viktor reaches forward to grab my hips.

“I could have made you come first,printsessa,” he says, almost mockingly. “I could have eaten that sweet pussy until you screamed. But since you want to fight me, I’ll take you now, like this. My cock doesn’t want to wait any longer, and neither do I.”

Tags: M. James Erotic