Page 51 of Vicious Promise

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Her life depends on it. And I can’t have the Don believing that I can’t control my wife.

“Out.” I say coldly the minute the car pulls into the parking garage. I don’t even wait for my driver to come around and open the door. I open it myself, waiting on Sofia as she looks up at me with a hint of defiance still in her lovely dark eyes.

“Luca, I—”

“Out!” I can feel the thread of my control beginning to fray.

She scrambles out of the car, paling slightly as she waits for me to stride ahead towards the elevator.

Contrary to what I’m sure she believes, I don’t enjoy raising my voice. I don’t like the idea of my wife being afraid of me. Truthfully, I’m not sure what emotions I would like for her to have towards me—ambivalent obedience, maybe. If we could get to that by the end of the night, I’d be tempted to start singing a hallelujah chorus.

The elevator ride up is in silence as well. Sofia doesn’t speak a single word until we step into the penthouse and the lights come up softly in the living room.

“You promised,” she says accusatorially.

I cross my arms, facing her with the last shred of my patience. “Promised what exactly, Sofia?”

“You promised not to lay a hand on me again!” She chews on her lower lip, her eyes widening. “You lied to me.”

“Youpromised not to try to run away. Not to leave. To obey me—”

“I never promised to obey!”

“Well, you’re going to tonight. You’re going to learn, Sofia, thatIam in control here. Not you.”

She glares up at me, her eyes still spitting some of that fire I’m coming to know so well. It turns me on more than I want to admit.

“Are you going to walk to the bedroom, or am I going to have to carry you?”

Her eyes go even wider in her delicate face. “You promised—” she splutters, and I smile coldly at her.

“You’ve broken part of your agreement already, Sofia. And don’t bothering telling me again that you weren’t running away. Maybe you hadn’t planned on it, and maybe you didn’t even mean to, but some part of you was trying to get away.”

“I was overwhelmed, and—”

“I don’t care.” My voice is as flat and toneless as I can manage. “And I asked you a question.”

The last thing I want is for her to see how she’s affecting me. How much I want her right now, how ridiculously, stupidly arousing her defiance is. The last fucking thing in the world that I need right now is for Sofia to know she has that kind of upper hand.

“I’m not going to your bedroom.” She bites off each word as if it were its own sentence, glaring at me despite her obvious uncertainty as to what’s going to happen next.

I smile coolly at her. “Don’t worry. You won’t have to.”

She blinks at me, as if she’s not quite sure what I mean, and before she can open her mouth to hurl some other statement at me I cross the space between us, throwing all sense of restraint to the wind. I reach out for my lovely, stubborn, reckless,infuriatingfiancée and grab her by her upper arms, hauling her against me and kissing her with all the force and passion that I can’t put into tomorrow’s kiss at the altar.

And God, it feels so fucking good. Her body bows against mine for just a moment, before her thoughts have a chance to catch up, and her lips are so soft. They sink into mine, full and warm, and the instant I pull her against me my cock is hard as hell, my erection raging within the confines of my suit as I fight the urge to take her right here and now.

My hand slides up into her hair, yanking the pins free that hold it up, and her now-brunette curls come loose around her face in a tumble of soft perfumed hair that makes me groan against her mouth as I feel it slipping through my fingers. I slide my tongue over her lips, prying her mouth open as I grip the back of her head, wanting to taste her, to feel the warmth of her tongue against mine, to breathe her in—

“Fuck!” I jerk backwards as I feel the sharp pain of her teeth sinking into my lip again, and I glare down at her, seething with pent-up anger and arousal.

She doesn’t slap me again, at least. But she stares up at me with those defiant eyes, somehow more beautiful than ever with her lips slightly swollen and pink from my kiss, her soft brown hair tumbling around her face, and in that moment I can’t remember ever wanting to possess anything more.

Sofia ismine. My wife. My bride.Mine.

My arm goes around her waist, still holding her against me. She’s not struggling, but I can feel how tense she is—with fear or anger or desire, or possibly all three. “You promised,” she hisses again, and I look down at her, my mouth twitching with amusement.

“I’m not going to fuck you tonight, Sofia. Your precious virginity is safe. After all, even if I planned to take it, I wouldn’t deny myself the pleasure of doing that on our wedding night. I’m not even going to give myself the enjoyment of stripping you naked so that I can see what I’ve bought before tomorrow.”

Tags: M. James Erotic