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“Where are you taking me?” asked Mari as Edgar led her away. “To your bed?”

“Impudent minx. Not my bed.”

“Oh.” Unexpected. “Oh. I understand. Not your bed. Perhaps... the library carpet? But we don’t want to scandalize any footmen.”

“Mari,” said Edgar sternly. “Please take your mind out of the gutter for one moment.”

Where were they going?

Through the entrance hall, down the gleaming marble stairs and out the front gate.

The street was peaceful. Delicate blossoms drifted down from the trees. A breeze ruffled the hem of her skirts.

Something had begun today. Their brave new life together.

Edgar made a spinning motion with his finger. He wanted her to... turn around?

“Really, Edgar? The front gate. With our entire family inside eating wedding cake. Wouldn’t that be, well, illegal? There might be constables about, you know.”

He rolled his eyes. Then he cupped her chin with his hand and lifted her head toward his gate.

“Oh,” she exclaimed. “You changed the motto.Amor Vincit Omnia.”

“Love conquers all.” Edgar kissed her cheek. “It conquered me and I was a heavily armed fortress.”

“I saw the cracks in your armor immediately.”

“And you administered the tongue-lashing I deserved. Speaking of which, I think I might deserve another. I’m having very bad thoughts about a certain redheaded governess.”

She stood on her tiptoes and placed her palm over his heart. “And I’m having very bad thoughts about a certain devilish duke. Very bad, indeed.”

He kissed her then. Really kissed her. Until she was flushed and breathless with longing.

She loved him with all of her heart.

A love designed by trust, forged by desire, and tempered with respect.

A love built to last forever.

Tags: Lenora Bell Historical