Page 30 of Grimm

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“My point exactly.” She glanced down at her cell phone and muttered a soft curse. “No reception. Sometimes, I miss the amenities of the city, like consistent cell phone reception. As soon as you get outside Bozeman city limits, the signal quickly goes from poor to non-existent.”

“Hopefully, Hank will have a good WIFI and internet setup,” Grimm said. “Can you hold on for another twenty minutes?”

Dezi gave him a crooked smile. “What did we do before cell phones?”

“Without,” he answered.

She laughed. “True. Or we relied on landlines for our telephone communications and internet.” Her face screwed up into a grimace. “Positively archaic. Moving back to Eagle Rock after living the past few years in Los Angeles has been a little painful. I got spoiled with always being connected. Thankfully, Molly is having highspeed internet installed at the Lucky Lady.”

“When we get to Hank’s, we can call the train station and let Eugene know to be careful,” Grimm said.

“Thank you. I worry about him. He seemed to be a nice man and so helpful.” Her brow formed a V over her nose. “And we definitely need to know the name of the other poker player. He’ll need to be warned in case someone is targeting the men my uncle hung out with.”

“Since the map was stolen, I’m willing to bet whoever took it thinks it will lead him to whatever treasure your uncle is sending you to find.” Grimm cast a glance her way.

“If there is a treasure. Wouldn’t it be awful if there isn’t a treasure? Not that I care about owning riches. But, think about it…what if someone has killed Joe and my Uncle Leon in an attempt to find a treasure that doesn’t exist?” She shook her head. “Wow.”

Grimm was even more worried about who else that man was willing to kill to get the information he thought he needed to find Dezi’s uncle’s treasure. “Do me a favor, will you?”

She glanced across at him, her brow lowering. “What favor?”

“Until we get to the bottom of this mystery, stick with me like a fly on flypaper.”

She laughed. “That close?”

He nodded, his face stern, his lips pressed into a straight line. “Two men are dead. I don’t want you to be the next target. I can’t keep you safe if you’re not with me at all times.”

She chewed on her bottom lip. “I’m with you now.”

He held out his hand. “Stay with me. Don’t be tempted to wander off, get distracted or think you can handle this situation on your own. Two grown men are dead. They aren’t coming back. They didn’t get second chances. They’re gone. Don’t let that be you.”

She laid her hand in his. “You’re scaring me.”

He closed his fingers around hers. “I hope I am. I hope I scare you enough that you do as I say. I don’t want to be up in your business any more than you want me there, but this is serious. Never get out of my sight for more than a minute or two at a time, and only if I know you’re going into a dead-end space like a bathroom without a window.” He squeezed her hand. “No, I won’t go into the bathroom with you. I will, however, clear the space before you enter.”

She gave him a weak smile. “That’s good to know.”

“So, will you stick with me until this situation is resolved?”

She nodded. “I’ll do whatever you think is best.”

He drew in a deep breath and let it out. “Okay then.”

Grimm and Dezi made the rest of the drive in silence, arriving at the White Oak Ranch entrance shortly after.

At the gate, Grimm positioned his face in front of the camera and pushed the button on the gate. A moment later, the gate slid open, and Grimm drove through it.

He followed the winding road through pastures and a stand of fir trees, finally arriving at the sprawling ranch house where Hank Patterson lived with his wife, the mega-movie-star Sadie McClain, and their two children.

Grimm had heard a lot about Hank’s Brotherhood Protectors from men he’d served with in Delta Force.

Hank had recruited highly trained men who’d served in special forces…Navy SEALS, Army Delta Force, Marine Force Recon, Rangers and Air Force Para Jumpers. The best of the best who’d left active duty to live in a world full of civilians, who may or may not understand former military men who’d served in some of the most difficult assignments, risking their lives to save others.

Hank had approached Grimm as soon as he’d left the Army, offering him a position with the Brotherhood Protectors.

At the time, he’d been more interested in making a ton of money working as a mercenary, protecting US businessmen working in Afghanistan to help rebuild what the war against the Taliban had destroyed.

When the US had pulled out of Afghanistan, Grimm had made his way back to the States with the rest of his team, unemployed and ready to do something different. No more protective service. No one shooting at him.

Tags: Elle James Romance