Page 11 of Grimm

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“Thank you for helping me clean up. I promise I’m not normally clumsy.”

“No worries,” he said. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to call it a night.”

“Me, too,” she said and led the way out of the kitchen. “Are you staying in Eagle Rock?”

He shook his head. “No. The team is staying here at the lodge until the work is done.” Grimm glanced down at her. “You?”

“I’m staying here as well. I have to be here early in the morning to get breakfast started for the guests. It makes sense for me to live here. For now, anyway.” She shrugged. “It helped knowing I had a place to stay before I got here.”

“Same for us,” Grimm said. They walked across the large entry hall and down a long corridor to the section of rooms designated for staff quarters.

Grimm stopped when he came to his room. “This is my stop,” he said. “If you need anything, let me know. If you need the dressing replaced, I have a first aid kit in my bag.”

She stared up into his eyes. “Thank you for helping me tonight and for being one of my taste testers.”

“No. Thank you for a wonderful meal. I’ll happily volunteer for any of your tasting needs. The food was great.”

She hesitated a moment longer, feeling awkward. “Well, I guess I’d better get to bed. I’ll be up early. Good night.”

She turned and walked away, conscious of the man behind her. Since she didn’t hear the sound of his door opening or closing, she could only guess that he was watching her as she walked down the hall.

Did he think her walk was sexy? Did he like what he saw?

Or was he indifferent to her? He’d said he wasn’t interested in stealing her heart. A thought occurred to her, making her brow dip. Did he have a woman in his life? A girlfriend or wife?

She fought the urge to turn around and look back at him.

Dezi didn’t have far to go. Her quarters were right next to his. Her eyes widened, and a warm flush spread throughout her body.

When she reached for the doorknob, she ventured a glance in his direction.

He was watching her. Her heartbeat sped.

Still looking at Grimm, Dezi’s hand missed the knob. She glanced down and realized the door was already open.

A chill of apprehension rippled across her skin. The door stood ajar just enough that she could hear noise from inside.

“What the—” she murmured and stepped back.

“Dezi?” Grimm called out.

She glanced in his direction and pointed at the door, then put a finger to her lip, indicating silence.

He frowned, abandoned his door and moved toward her.

The sound of something crashing to the floor made Dezi jump.

“Do you have a roommate?” he whispered.

She shook her head. Before he reached her, the door burst open.

A man wearing a black ski mask burst through, grabbed Dezi and spun her until her back was against his front, his arm locked around her waist, pinning one arm against her side.

“Let go of me,” she cried.

A shiny blade came around her, and the razor-sharp edge pressed against her throat.

“Move, and I’ll slice into her lovely neck,” a gravelly voice said.

Tags: Elle James Romance