Page 9 of Cameron

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“No, there isn’t. Do you want a beer?”

“I sure as fuck could use one.”

“I’ll get it.”

“No. Sit your pretty ass down. Better yet, we still have a dinner date. If you want to get ready, go on. I promise we’ll behave.”


“I got it out of my system.”

“You better leave his face alone. I like it the way it is.” Elias puts his hands up and backs away. I walk into the kitchen and set the kitchen towel down. The bleeding has stopped. It’s not broken or anything, just a good shot.

I hand him a beer and take a seat. “So, here it is. I didn’t know I’d fall in love with Elena, but I did.”

“When—before or after she woke up drunk in your bed?”

“Don’t even dare insult me like that. I get you’re pissed, but I wouldn’t do that. The girl couldn’t stand up, and let’s just say that was the time I was least tempted to break my father’s rule.” I try to shake that memory from my head. I had the woman of my dreams in the bed where she belonged, but for all the wrong reasons. Elena rubs my back as I think about that night.

My security team on her new she’d been with some classmates hanging out, having drinks. I knew several of the guys had a thing for her because who the fuck wouldn’t? She’s a beautiful woman who screams perfection. Once they were leaving a bar, my team called to tell me she was starting to stumble, and I was on them in a second, carrying my woman back to my home where she barely knew her own fucking name.

“Now, the truth is that I’ve loved her from the first day I met her, but I never acted on it until this weekend. I kept my distance, protected her, been there whenever you needed me because I wanted to fill in. I never wanted to be away from her, but that doesn’t mean our friendship isn’t real. You were my friend before I ever met your sister. I should have told you, but I wasn’t going to risk her getting out of my hands before she did something dumb.”

“Honestly, I’ve known you were in love with her for years now.”

“What? Then what the fuck did you punch me for?”

“Because I’m her brother, and you fucking went behind my back and married my sister without letting me be there. I wasn’t even your best man, when I’m your best friend.”

“Well. I suppose he deserved it. But if it makes you feel better, Elias,” Elena says, coming back into the room. Fuck, he’s going to hit me for this one too. “I wasn’t at the wedding either. Because we didn’t have one.”

“Hey, many people get married without a big wedding.”

“Cameron, we weren’t even in the same room.”

“Actually, it was in the lobby, and I was about five feet behind you when you signed the documents, tying your ass to me for the rest of our days.” I hug her, and Elias shakes his head and laughs.

“If you loved my sister so much, why didn’t you just tell your dad to shove his contract and marry her sooner?” I’m going to kick his ass when she stiffens in my arms.

“Asshole. You know damn well how much I put into that business. Several of the patents on the technology are owned by the company, even though they were mine. I couldn’t just let the company have them and find a way to start over with nothing and maybe no other way to build up a nest egg to raise the large family I want to have with your sister.” I’d dig deeper and let him know that I want fuck every single little one into her over and over, but I want him on my side.

“I know. I’m just busting your chops. I’ve got to get some enjoyment out of the fact that my best friend is banging my sister.” He shakes his head and then downs his beer. “Enjoy your dinner. I’m going to hit up the hotel bar.”

“You’re welcome to crash here. There is a second bedroom.”

“No, thanks. I don’t want to hear or see anything I don’t need to. Besides, I booked a room at the hotel. Goodnight. We’ll meet for lunch tomorrow. I want some good, authentic Mexican food.”

“Sounds good to me, brother.” We hug, and then he pulls his sister in for a hug.

“I hope you’re thrilled about this, Elena. I can have our lawyers draw up a divorce.” I let out a growl and then see him smirk. The first punch was a free one, but he’s asking for an ass beating if he thinks for even a minute that I'll let him take Elena from me.

“Stop it. You’re being mean.” She swats at her brother as if that’s going to stop his bullshit.

“I can’t help it. Let me have my fun. I haven’t ribbed him about liking my sister for years, even though he tried to hide it, and you were no better.” So he wasn’t as oblivious to her attempts to get my attention when she was younger when I though he was. “I’ll never be like you two goofballs because marriage ain’t for me. Have fun.” He shakes his head and waves to us as walks out the door.

“So, wife, will you be asking your brother for help getting away from me?” I challenge, getting all in her space.

“It depends…”

Tags: C.M. Steele Romance