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"You make it sound so cold."

He blows out a breath. "I merely meant, we can talk about what this means for us later. Right now, though…" He feathers his fingers up the valley between my ass cheeks, and a shiver ladders up my spine.

"Has anyone fucked you here, little girl?" he asks in that hard voice that grates over my nerve endings. My thighs clench. Oh, god. When he talks to me in that authoritarian voice, I’ll agree to anything.

"Answer me," he growls.

"No. No one has. You’ll be the first," I say in a rush.

"Hmm. First, I’m going to teach you a lesson for not doing as I asked.”

"I did everything you asked, Daddy. I did."

His muscles seem to stiffen. The heat pouring off of him seems to intensify. He sits down on the bench next to me, then pats his thighs. "Bend over."

"Excuse me?" I stare. He doesn’t mean what I think he means... Surely not. I shove back my hair that’s clinging to my head, thanks to the shower. "If you think I’m going to—"

"Girl, do as I say." He lowers his voice to a hush.

I do as he says. I bend over his massive thighs, painfully aware of how exposed I am. The water from the shower continues to pound me from all sides, forcing me to squeeze my eyes closed and take sips of air through my mouth. He drags his hand down my spine and I can’t stop myself from squirming. He palms my butt, and I freeze. Any moment now, he’s going to spank me. I sense him move. The next moment, the shower switches off. Silence descends, except for the water that drips from my hair to the floor. He continues to massage my ass, swiping his fingers in circles. The tension oozes out of my muscles. Degree by degree, I feel my thighs unclench. All of my senses are focused on where he’s touching me. Caressing me. Kneading my flesh, reminding me that I belong to him. I am his. I’ve been his from the moment he stepped between me and Isaac to stop what he thought was Isaac about to hit me. It’s the first time I truly noticed him. And I haven’t stopped since. His movements continue in ever-widening circles. Despite the fact that I’m naked and wet, warmth pools between my legs. Heat suffuses my skin, and I allow my arms to fall to the floor. Allow my weight to relax fully into his lap. It’s like a signal to him because that’s when he raises his palm and brings it crashing down on my ass.



Whack-whack-whack.I spank her on alternate butt cheeks without stopping, without giving her time to recover. She yells, tries to move away, but I lean my weight on her back to hold her in place. I continue to spank her until her honeyed skin blushes pink, until her ass is so hot to the touch, it rivals the temperature of the water from the shower. I massage her backside, and she moans. I slide my fingers down the cleavage between her butt cheeks, to her slit, and find her wet.

"You’re a filthy little slut, aren’t you? You like it when I spank you."

"Fuck you," she spits out.

I laugh. "So much fight in you. It’s a bloody turn-on, you know that?"

"Well, you’re not turning me on," she retorts.

I chuckle. "Not what your body is telling me, baby."

"Don’t call me baby," she says in a petulant tone.

"Do you always deny yourself everything you like?"

"What’s this, a lesson in pop psychology?" she scoffs.

"More like a chance for me to learn your body, little one."

I grip her waist, and plucking her off of my lap, I gently place her on her feet. “Does that hurt?” I survey her features.

“Not as much as my butt, you bastard.”

I chuckle.

Her frown deepens. "Can I leave?" She shoves her hair back from her face.

"Not yet." I rise to my feet so she has to tilt her head back to look at me. Reaching behind me, I flick on the tap so the water pours over us.

I grip her arse, and she flinches. Fuck if that doesn’t turn me on further. The fact that I marked her is the reason she’s in discomfort now. It’s the reason she’s so turned on that her pupils are dilated until they resemble the sun when it’s high in the sky.I’d pluck the moon and the stars for her if she were to ask me.I shake my head.Where did that thought come from? I’m not falling for her, am I?Sure, there’s a connection between us. It’s why I fucked her, regardless of the fact that she’s my son’s girlfriend.Wasmy son’s girlfriend. Doesn’t mean I’m in love with her. Impossible.

It’s the sex that’s addled my brain. And admittedly, my orgasms with her have been out of this world. Come to think of it, as long as I’m fucking her, everything is okay. I have no time to think, and then I don’t have to worry about these soppy sentiments that insist on intruding my thoughts. Best to keep our interactions to shagging. I mean, that’s why I decided to fuck her more than once, didn’t I? It’s why I brought her here.

Tags: L. Steele Arranged Marriage Erotic