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I destroyed relationships, wrecked connections between spouses. It was my pattern to go after what was unattainable and prove to myself that I could get it. I specialized in breaking things. In showing people just how fickle their loyalty to their loved ones was.

The only relationships I’ve respected so far are those of the Sovranos, and now, the Seven. Probably because I have a lot of regard for the men themselves. That’s the hard line I drew for myself—never go after women who belong to my work colleagues or friends. Of course, many of my so-called colleagues also belong to organized crime syndicates. They’re the kind who are more prone to draw a gun on anyone who messes with their women, and I don’t have a death wish. And, to be honest, the thought has never crossed my mind anyway. I’ve never been attracted to any of them. Not untilher.

I drew the line at not going after women belonging to colleagues or friends, but forgot to include family. But how could I have ever foreseen this happening? It’s like a plot out of a movie. And it looks like, once again, I’ve been cast in the role of villain.

I’m about to cross the line I set for myself. I’m going after her. After what I heard tonight at their bedroom door... After losing all of my dignity by spying on them... I realize, now, I never should have held myself back. I’ve never felt such a powerful attraction to anyone, and it’s thrown me off my game. She’s just another woman. In this case, she also happens to be my son’s girlfriend, which may be the only reason I find her attractive.

So, maybe I’ll sleep with her more than once—enough to fuck her out of my system. I’ll still be able to walk away. I always have. If that upsets Isaac, that’s life. He’s young and he’ll get over it. So will she. Besides, I’ll compensate her enough so she’ll never have to work a day in her life. She’ll be able to afford a comfortable lifestyle. She’ll be able to move out of my house, find a place of her own, and have enough time to find a job that she truly enjoys. No more working late nights on a pitch that she’s not appreciated for. Yep, that’s it. It’s all going to be all right, and I don’t have to deny myself, either.

The early morning rays of the sun slant over the city. Saint Paul’s Cathedral glistens in the distance. Not far from it is the phallic-shaped Gherkin, and near that, the angular springing-into-the-sky icicle that is the Shard, which marks the financial district of the city. Technically, the businesses I own are a part of that cohort, but I’ve never felt more removed from my day-to-day role as the CEO of Kane Enterprises as I do at this very moment.

That’s how much this girl has twisted me from the inside out. It’s why I’ve been acting out of character. Perhaps some sliver of decency in me has held me back from taking the final step, the one that will ensure the final rift between my son and myself. And I do want a relationship with him. I will still have a relationship with Isaac.

Once I’ve fucked her out of my system. Besides, they’re not suited for one other. I’ve barely seen them together since they moved in. It’s as if he’s avoiding her. Plus, he’s only now finding himself. Once he’s a better-known painter, he won't have a problem finding women, either. I’m doing them both a favor by following my instinct and going after what I want. Which is her. One day, they’ll thank me.

I spin around, walk down the hill, and ride my bike home. I shave, take a quick shower then walk into the kitchen. I greet Miriam who’s already at work preparing breakfast. I grab a cup of tea and turn to leave when Lena walks in.



"Good morning," JJ’s dark voice rumbles across the space.

I stiffen. "Morning." I keep my gaze lowered as I shuffle over to the electric kettle that’s plugged in on the side of the counter.

"There’s coffee for you," Miriam volunteers.

"Eh?" I squint at her. "Coffee?"

She nods in the direction of the brand-new coffee machine that’s appeared on the other side of the counter. It’s not your average drip-coffee maker, either. It’s one of those fancy, shiny machines that looks like it’s straight out of a sci-fi movie. I stare at it. "Uh, how do I operate it?"

"Let me." His voice vibrates up my spine. I stiffen. My eyelids snap open. All remnants of sleep drain from my eyes like sand through an hourglass. I spin around and almost face-plant into the wide chest that seems to loom above me and to either side of my line of sight.

"Excuse me," I say stiffly.

"Ah, but I’m just about to get you your morning cup of joe." He leans around me and the scent of his aftershave, something complex and dark and spicy, just like him, assails my senses. My head spins. Must be because I forgot to eat dinner last night, not to mention the drinking. Also the angry words Isaac and I exchanged after we’d fucked hadn’t helped. The act in itself had been satisfactory, if a little emotionless. Luckily, Isaac’s been blessed with a big enough cock and he knows how to use it.Imagine how much more honed his father’s technique would be, eh?

"Did you say something?" JJ straightens.

Heat flushes my cheeks. "Coffee, just need my cup of brew," I choke out, then slide out from between him and the counter and stumble toward where the cups are kept.

"Are you okay, Lena?" Miriam asks in a kind voice. "You seem exhausted."

"Yes, Lena, did you sleep well?" The smirk in JJ’s voice has me shooting him a sideways glance. His lips twist. There’s a knowing gleam in his eyes. Does he know I’ve been thinking about a particular asset that both he and his son possess?Am I really thinking about both JJ and his son in the same breath, the same line, the same sentence? Next to each other? Jesus H. Christ.I need therapy. And coffee. "Coffee?" I croak.

I hear the gurgle of the coffee machine, the hiss of steam, and turn to find JJ holding a cup under the machine. I leap toward it, and even before the dark brew has stopped trickling out from the spout of the fancy-ass contraption, I’ve grabbed the cup and raised it to my mouth. I take a sip, then gasp. "Ow, it’s too hot." I fan my mouth, then race toward the sink where I start rinsing my mouth with cold water, swishing it around, spitting it out, then swallowing the cool liquid to soothe my throat. I turn to find both of the other occupants staring at me.

"What?" I scowl.

Miriam shakes her head and turns back to the counter where she’s making omelets.

JJ merely smirks. "You could have waited until the coffee cooled."

"Where’s the fun in that?" I walk over to the table on the other side of the island and drop into a chair. "I haven’t seen you in the kitchen this early before, Miriam."

"JJ wanted me to come by and make sure I had breakfast ready for the both of you."

"Both of us?" I scowl at JJ.

Tags: L. Steele Arranged Marriage Erotic