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"Of course, not."

I scowl.Jerk.

"You’re my executive assistant. That’s why you wanted to meet me. And you were right not to wait, not if it meant compromising on the success of such an important project. But that doesn’t mean you didn’t want to get my attention because you feel I’ve been neglecting you."

"You’re right about the first, wrong on the second."

His grin widens. "If you say so."

"I do." I set my jaw.

He jerks his chin to the chair next to him. "Take a seat and let's discuss it, shall we?"

I take him through the pitch that the team and I have put together. He listens to me with complete focus and gives me feedback that’s on point. Feedback that tears the work I’ve done so far to shreds. I stare in disbelief as he goes through each page on the presentation, pointing out my flaws, telling me what I could have done better, explaining why my assumptions were wrong... Why the creative was off direction... Why the copy used for the campaign we were presenting was drab and how it had bored him to tears. By the time he’s done, my stomach is in knots and my guts churn. Anger squeezes my rib cage so hard, I can barely breathe.

"It’s not that bad," I say around the lump of disappointment in my throat. My first project that I’ve worked on with the team, and he’s torn it to shreds.

"Oh yeah?" He leans back in his seat. "This is the worst pitch I’ve come across in all the time I’ve headed up Kane Enterprises. I don’t know what kind of work you’re used to doing, but any presentation that leaves my office is world-class in quality. Our advertising clients expect the best, and this is far from the standards they are accustomed to from us."

I squeeze my fingers together in my lap. "It’s really not that bad. It isn’t."

"Are you trying to convince me or yourself?"

"I am not trying to convince anyone. Also, there isn’t enough time to make all of the changes you’ve indicated."

"When’s the deadline to submit this?"

"Tomorrow morning."

"Well then, you’d better get started. You have" —he looks at the watch on his wrist— "precisely eighteen hours to get it right."

"At this rate, none of us will be able to leave the office tonight."

"Not my problem. It’s not my fault you couldn’t track me down earlier for feedback."

"You were busy. Every time I called, you were in a meeting. Karen wouldn’t let me see you."

"Try harder next time." He pushes back from the conference room table and rises to his feet. "If that’s all—"

"No, it’s not all. You’re being unreasonable. There’s no way we can make the changes in the given amount of time."

"Are you saying you’re not up to the challenge?"

I glower at his handsome face. The gray hairs at his temples only add to his appeal. How I hate his smirking, gorgeous visage. How I want to wipe the smile off of his face and show him I’m not a lightweight. That I can take the criticism he’s thrown my way, and turn this project around. I want to make him eat his words—and my pussy— No, not my pussy!How can I even think of his sex appeal and sex with him at a time when my career is in jeopardy?

"I am saying" —I rise to my feet and grab my tablet— "that it would help greatly if you would call the head of Delancey Products and ask for an extra day so we can get this right."

"No, absolutely not. Kane Enterprises has never been late with a presentation. We take pride in delivering the most effective advertising campaign within the given time."

"I wasn’t in on the early meetings when the deadlines were set. If I had been, I’d have asked for a longer lead time."

"And I want to triple my turnover in the next year, but not all of us get what we want."

He pivots and walks over to his desk on the other side of the room. "Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have things to attend to."

He leaves me standing where I am, sits down at his desk and busies himself with his computer.

I stay there for a beat, another. He begins tapping on his keyboard like he’s already forgotten I’m there. What a wanker.

Tags: L. Steele Arranged Marriage Erotic