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Sinclair shakes his head slowly. "Not since he went to Thailand. Something about setting up a beach bar, I think. That was a month ago, I haven’t heard from him since."

"I’m sure he’ll surface at some point," I offer.

"You going to reveal why you wanted us all in one place?" Liam asks.

"What if I said it was for the pleasure of your company?"

There are snickers around the table.

"You gentlemen and lady are right, of course. I’ve brought you all together because each one of you is unique in your contributions to the world. You come from all walks of life. Arts, business, and politics to name a few."

Liam tilts his head.

"Some of you live on the fringe of society, too."

Nikolai smirks.

"It goes without saying that most of you are personally wealthy, too, but it goes beyond that. Each of you is among the most influential, most powerful, and most exceptional in your fields. You, here, are a veritable roster of who’s who. The media is interested in many of you and follows your every move."

Hunter’s gaze sharpens. Zara twists her lips.

"For all of you, your home is your sanctuary, the one place you can unwind without scrutiny from peers, or from tabloids."

Declan lowers his chin to his chest.

"Now, you have another place. Here, you can unwind without being worried about the media. A space to entertain and be entertained.

"A combination of comfort, glamour, and intimacy, where what’s said and done in the club will stay in the club. In short, this will be the place to meet and network among the tastemakers, the influencers, those whose every choice has a ripple effect on the decisions of millions."

Liam drums his fingers on the table. "Are you talking about a club, because if so, I’m already a member of—"

"Not any club. Call it a league, a coalition, a fellowship."

"So, a society?" Adrian asks.

"A group of people united by common interests," I retort.

"Which is?" Declan narrows his gaze.

"Each of you has a certain proclivity..." A ripple of tension runs around the room. "Including me. And this is the place where you can indulge in it without fear of being judged or exposed."

"And you have this information, how?" Sinclair asks in a soft voice.

"I have my sources. Just as you had me investigated before you agreed to meet me the first time, just as" —I sweep my gaze across the people around the conference table— "each of you had me investigated before doing business with me previously."

"Except me." Declan touches his fingertips together. "We haven’t done business, and I haven’t had you investigated. Sure, I know of you by reputation, but really, I came along because I was curious."

"And your trust is your strength—"

"Or your downfall," Liam drawls.

Declan chuckles. "You need to have some faith in the inherent goodness of people, ol’ chap."

"I don’t survive merely on the strength of my looks, pretty boy," Liam scoffs.

"And I don’t think everyone is out to get me, though admittedly, there are more people out there who hate my guts than there used to be. The perils of fame." He raises a shoulder.

"You—" Liam frowns, but I cut him off.

Tags: L. Steele Arranged Marriage Erotic